View Full Version : health anxieties running life

09-09-13, 11:34
First off, I just want to say I'm glad I have found this page. I found it just this morning and have never found anything similiar. Recent problems have forced my health anxieties/general anxiety into the focus of my life.

My husband has been very patient with me but I am driving him crazy with my worrying. I'm better than I used to be, but it's still there. I just want to start by saying I don't have any social/emotional support other than him, and vice versa. I live in a foreign country and that increases my anxiety. Although I now know the language, not being from here and not being able to instantly understand people has thrown my anxieties into overdrive.

I have a retarded 7 year old son. Recently there was a lot a stress about his school...they have hired someone that I don't feel comfortable about. But the principal refuses to move either my son or this person. We are planning to move soon (planned before all this happened) but are waiting for a place. On top of that..people in the town we live in now aren't friendly.

Since the summer started..I've been getting these red marks on my forehead. They seem connected to the heat since its a windy and sunny town (like 2 cloudy days all summer). I just ignored this since it was mostly annoying but then 10 days ago I got in addition to the usual red marks (which don't itch or burn) 2 red blotches on my forehead. This happened the same afternoon I realized we were stuck with this inappropriate person at my son's school These went away after about 3 days but the bad thing is it has sent me into overdrive. I run to the mirror about 20 times a day. The worst thing, I look up everything I can..and I convince myself that I have the worst things. It actually makes sense. I've been scaring myself to death. I have to say its all gone now, with the exception of some small marks. But the 2 big "attacks" happened exactly 1 month apart and I start wondering if its hormonal. It's too big of a deal for me to go to a doctor, but I will if I have to. I have to say..over the last 5 years due to stress, I've basically had to stop eating most foods. I was either getting migraines, acne, or vaginal problems. I'm down to meats, 1 type of vegetable, and quinoa. I know how crazy this sounds..but the stress has made me sick. The face thing has convinced me the stress is getting worse and that I am getting even sicker than before, which scares me. Can anyone relate?


09-09-13, 12:04
You should go to a doctor and say ALL OF THIS to him. It sounds like stress. And scaring yourself by reading up on possible causes on Google will in 99% of the cases make it worse.

I always hated when people said this to me, but you should try to relax. Just find a comfortable spot, sit down, and breathe. Just be in the moment.

Best of luck to you.

09-09-13, 15:08
Thank you for your answer. I would talk to a dr gladly about this, but it's nearly impossible to make them listen. I know, because I have tried. And even when they listen, they don't seem to know what is wrong. I think it is stress too, the stress has been so bad for years.