View Full Version : Emergency dental appt today

purple to black
09-09-13, 12:23
Hi there, I have had to phone my dentist today for an emergency appt as I have serious toothache it's driving me insane. Anyway, I'm terrified beyond words and am unable to take anything to calm me down or for the pain as I have a meds phobia. My aunt who is a nurse is coming with me and I know they will want to extract the tooth as it's already been said before, it's not a back tooth and only has 1 root so I'm hoping it will be easy to remove. The thing that terrifies me is the numbing agent in the injection, I'm scared I'll be allergic to it. I need some reassurance please, I can't stop shaking or crying and the pain is unreal.

09-09-13, 12:42
They certainly wouldnt give you any injection or meds if they felt itd cause an allergic reaction. Just voice your concerns to the dentist. Theyre used to dealing with patients reacting this way. I've had numbing agents used on me before, It feels a little weird but not scary. You'll be fine I assure you.

---------- Post added at 12:42 ---------- Previous post was at 12:40 ----------

I suffer from bruxism and therefore servere toothache so I know how you feel Ive got a dentist appointment on friday. Just think how much better youll feel after. I know I am

purple to black
09-09-13, 12:49
Thank you, im hoping its not infected and they wont be able to do anything, its seriously sore and i cant take it anymore, can they pull teeth that are infected?

09-09-13, 12:54
I believe so. Im no dentist however. If there is an infection its easily treated so fear not. It may just have to be soup and ice cream for a few days ;). When you get through this you can count it as a big victory and step forward over conquering your phobia. Were here if you need us.

purple to black
09-09-13, 12:57
Thank you so much. I'll try to be brave. My aunt who is a nurse coming with me is helping me a bit.

09-09-13, 13:00
Nurses know what theyre doing. You'll be fine.

09-09-13, 13:23
They won't do anything if the tooth is infected. You'll get antibiotics to clear up the infection first. I had an emergency appt a couple of weeks ago because I was in so much pain with a back tooth (hadn't been in 15 years :huh:) and was petrified. Luckily my tooth wasn't infected but I did need root canal treatment. I had this done last week and it wasn't half as bad as I thought. It wasn't comfortable and my mouth was very numb and sore for a while afterwards but the relief was immense. You'll be absolutely fine. Go with the fear and tell them how nervous you are. Once it's done you'll feel so much better. Good luck.

purple to black
10-09-13, 13:50
Well, I got antibiotics, having a meds phobia this didn't go down well with me. Anyway I have managed to take the antibiotics and ibuprofen, I haven't managed to take any meds for over 5 years. I'm actually really proud of myself : )

The pain is still excruciating though : (

10-09-13, 13:55
Well done you - on both counts :)! The pain will be there for a while until the meds kick in. The only way is up though! Do you have to go back for follow up treatment? xx

purple to black
10-09-13, 13:57
Thank you. I have an appt at the dental hospital next month for extraction of 3 teeth under twilight sedation.
I'm still amazed I took meds, it's like it's not me who took them lol.

10-09-13, 14:14
But it was! I was like that after my dentist appt. Been avoiding it for 15 years and in the space of 3 weeks I've had numerous injections & root canal treatment. I was like 'did I really do that without any drama'? Yep I did. I have to have a wisdom tooth out under sedation but not sure when yet. These things are always worse in our minds than the actual reality of it. xx

purple to black
10-09-13, 15:33
Well done you and yes the mind works overtime all too readily with anxiety.