View Full Version : Just can't get through this

09-09-13, 15:09
I am 37 years old. I smoked for 7 years of my life. I have recently had shoulder pain that radiates down my arm. I am fully convinced that I have lung cancer. I have four little children and can't stay in this state of panic that I have cancer.....
I have seen my doctor twice and even went to the er/urgent care. I've had two chest x rays (both clear) and a chest CT scan which also was clear. Yet, I worry that something was missed.
How do I get through this????
I want my life back!!!
Yet, I have this shoulder pain that won't let me get over this fear.....

09-09-13, 15:14
Hi Wis Mom,

If the x-ray and CAT scan were clear, then it's not lung cancer. Anything suspicious would have shown up. The people who read these tests are highly trained professionals that know what to look for.

The way to deal with this is to accept that this is anxiety and seek help. Often, stress will cause muscle tightness which in turn presents other symptoms. Therapy, self help and medication can help to quell the fears you're facing.

And lastly, this is coming from a cancer survivor that smoked. QUIT NOW!

Good luck, positive thoughts and prayers

09-09-13, 15:17
I quit on the 23rd of August :-)

How do I just accept that they didn't miss something? Or maybe a tumor or cancer was hiding????

09-09-13, 15:26
I wish I could tell you. You either do or you don't. You can certainly seek a second opinion but based on 2 x-rays and a CAT scan that were negative, I doubt they will tell you anything different.

Congrats on quitting!

Good luck to you!

09-09-13, 16:27
I have to somehow figure out how to accept this so I can get my life back.....

---------- Post added at 15:27 ---------- Previous post was at 14:36 ----------

Anyone else have words of encouragement? Anyone else have this fear and overcome it?

09-09-13, 17:22
It would be very, very unlikely to get lung cancer from 7 years of smoking. Your shoulder injury could be a torn ligament or strained muscle. It would also have shown up on an xray if there was a lung problem. Hope you feel better soon.

09-09-13, 17:24
Just to say that i understand your worry about the xrays and scan but believe you me these people are highly trained in treading scans and xrays and would have flagged it up straight away if you would have a mass or tumour. If you need peace of mind go for a second opinion as thats the only thing that will help you but if these scans/xrays come up clear then please believe them. Good luck :)x

10-09-13, 02:08
Thanks so much everyone :-)

10-09-13, 15:44
How do I get a second opinion? I'm in a small town. Do I try to find another doctor and start from scratch? It would be in the same doctor's office......just a different doctor. Or try a different, bigger town?