View Full Version : Csection

09-09-13, 17:06
I'm due to have a csection next Tuesday due to baby being too big for me I have an 8 year old boy and I'm petrified that's something will happen to me I feel so selfish for thinking That but so scared of leaving my little family behind, everyone says its normal to to be worried before any surgery but I'm so scared I had an em csection with my boy and just wondered if anyone has had a planned one and what are they like

09-09-13, 17:14
I haven't but my sister had all off hers (3) by c section without any problems. She said she would rather have her stitches where she had them than where I had mine! lol. My step daughter has also had 2 c sections and everything was fine. Just concentrate on the fact that you will soon have your beautiful baby in your arms :)

09-09-13, 17:19
Away thank u for ur reply this blinking anxiety always makes things seem worse hey!!

09-09-13, 17:20
It does and childbirth can be quite an anxious time for any one. I am sure everything will go well :) :hugs:

09-09-13, 17:46
My friends who have had planned ones all said they were a better experience than the emergency ones.
I had an emergency one and it wasn't the best experience do I can understand your fears.

09-09-13, 18:18
I had a planned one due to my daughter being breech and couldn't be turned. I was scared too but that's. Normal. They were lovely to me. I was only 18 at the time but my partner stayed with me the whole time and I can still remember the first time I saw her and she was trying to open her little eye and blood was going in it (sorry for the TMI but it's my 1st memory of her).
Just think of meeting your baby and naming it and try guessing what it will look like or something to take your mind off it.

09-09-13, 19:53
You aren't selfish at all and child birth of any kind is definitely a scary thing to face! Especially these days I feel there is such a push towards a natural birth, they are starting to make c-sections look like death sentences! I know many people who have had them and all are fine, and all agree a planned one is so much better than an emergency one. Congrats on your baby boy who is coming! I am sure once you are holding him in your arms, you will feel much better :)

09-09-13, 23:27
It is scary for all of us Mums when we have to give birth, no matter what way we do it :)

C Sections are very safe though now hun, so I'm sure that everything will go smoothly for you.

As Annie has said, once you get your beautiful baby in your arms it will all have been so worth it :D

Do come in and let us know how it went for you and so that we can give your new baby a NMP welcome to the World :D

12-09-13, 19:07
Awe thank you all so much for ur comments just logged on so sorry for late reply, I really appriciate your comments thank u x

12-09-13, 21:15
You're more than welcome hun :hugs: