View Full Version : Trace of blood in urine.

09-09-13, 19:11
Hi there im hoping someone can advise me here. I had bad urine infection which started 2 weeks ago and took 2 lots of antibitics to get rid of it.I was at doctors today and they did a dipstick test and told me infection gone but still tiny trace of blood . I still also keep feeling like my bladders pulsing its hard to explain and still need to go to the loo a heck of a lot. Im hoping its just because the infection was so bad that its just left me sensitive. But why the trace of blood on dipstick test. My mind is working overtime now as you can imagine. Any advice or has anyone been in the same situation.? Thank you

09-09-13, 19:14

We get a lot of posts about this .... scroll down to the bottom and read "similar threads"

09-09-13, 20:34
Thank you .I will have a look . x

09-09-13, 20:56
i always have a trace of blood in my urine apparantly its common x

09-09-13, 21:09
Me too, even when an infection I had cleared up, there was still blood and a couple of other things!!

09-09-13, 22:04
Thank you its very reassuring to know im not alone x