View Full Version : Hi I'm a new member

24-10-06, 13:51
Hello Everyone,
I'm new to the forum having been diagnosed with GAD yesterday. Hooray, I know whats wrong and it's not my fault. I'm not weak or a failure!! I have been seeing my GP, counsellors, psychologists for the last 2 years having had a 'breakdown'. I have been treated for clinical depression on and off (more on) for the last 30 years, and have had 2 recent long term absences of 4 months and 7 months in the last 2 years. I've been told it is stress related, I'm a teacher! I am on a very high level of seroxat, 60mg daily, and have felt lower and lower, not coping with everyday life. Now I know I have Gad I feel tonz better. ITS NOT MY FAULT! I feel liberated. Has anyone else had similar experiences?

24-10-06, 14:01
No i havent but just wanted to say hi and welcome.

Hay x

24-10-06, 14:08
Thanx hayles, I must sound crazy being glad that I have a condition like GAD, but just knowing it has a name and I cant help having it has been a relief. I'm not belittling the condition because I have been very ill and have felt at times as if noone could help, coz I couldn't help my self, and have had suicidal thoughts. Now I know I can fight!!!

24-10-06, 14:54
Hi and welcome,you must be so relieved knowing you actually have something.[Yeah!];).You will get some great support here.
Take care

Ellen XX

24-10-06, 14:56

24-10-06, 17:38
Hi there and welcomre to the forum
So glad you have had a positive diagnosis , it's amazing how the mind works isn't it, glad you are feeling better.

Take care

Elaine x

24-10-06, 18:37

Glad you found us :)



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

24-10-06, 19:04

A BIG warm welcome to you ! lovely to see you here, im sure you will get lots of good advice and make new friends on the way here.:D



24-10-06, 21:43
Hi Bear

A warm welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


24-10-06, 22:27

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

25-10-06, 12:15
hiya, welcome to nomorepanic.

i hope you enjoy the use if this site


26-10-06, 16:32
Hi Bearcrazy!
Isn't it great to be able to put a name to it at last! Like you, I was diagnosed with GAD in Feb and wanted to let you know that with time and determination it does pass. I was on seroxat for 7 years (50mg) and when I got low was put up to 60 but it didn't help at all, which was strange as I swore by it on the past. I am now on another anti-depressant called Cymbalta/duloxetine which is going to be licensed for anxiety and has helped greatly. I've also spoken to two other ppl on here who were on seroxat for 7 years and now take cymbalta, so I wonder if it becomes less effective over time?
Take Care and welcome to NMP,
Sarah x

26-10-06, 18:38
Hi Bearcrazy!
Isn't it great to be able to put a name to it at last! Like you, I was diagnosed with GAD in Feb and wanted to let you know that with time and determination it does pass. I was on seroxat for 7 years (50mg) and when I got low was put up to 60 but it didn't help at all, which was strange as I swore by it on the past. I am now on another anti-depressant called Cymbalta/duloxetine which is going to be licensed for anxiety and has helped greatly. I've also spoken to two other ppl on here who were on seroxat for 7 years and now take cymbalta, so I wonder if it becomes less effective over time?
Take Care and welcome to NMP,
Sarah x