View Full Version : New Job Anxiety Load! Advice?

09-09-13, 19:22
Hi guys. basically i decided to go into work and stop being such a wimp with my social anxiety, i applied, i did the phone interview and have been offered the job, it is a customer service roll on the phones in a call center taking calls and orders etc...my anxiety now is coming from the other people who will be there, i am overweight and im terrified that my social anxiety is going to affect my job performance, i dont know what it is, i just feel because im big, people look and talk about me. and saying just ignore it as many of you will know is impossible. As i said i decided just to stop being scared and get on with life because i will never get anywhere in life if i dont....unfortunately i am regretting taking this job. :( any advice on people whom have over come social anxiety or in the same position as me?

09-09-13, 20:21
Hey, it must be tough. I am a bit on the short side and people laugh and talk about me, I use reverse pshycology and make myself the joke and laugh with them! it breaks the ice with people and they accept you for you! it really does work,
Hope you enjoy your new job
Pete xx

09-09-13, 20:42
Hi guys. basically i decided to go into work and stop being such a wimp with my social anxiety, i applied, i did the phone interview and have been offered the job, it is a customer service roll on the phones in a call center taking calls and orders etc...my anxiety now is coming from the other people who will be there, i am overweight and im terrified that my social anxiety is going to affect my job performance, i dont know what it is, i just feel because im big, people look and talk about me. and saying just ignore it as many of you will know is impossible. As i said i decided just to stop being scared and get on with life because i will never get anywhere in life if i dont....unfortunately i am regretting taking this job. :( any advice on people whom have over come social anxiety or in the same position as me?

Hello :)

Starting a new job is hard enough but starting a new job and being a person who suffers from anxiety is even harder so well done for taking the steps. This job may just change your life for the better. People should not judge you by the way you look or what size you are. There are plenty of overweight people who work! You're completely right by saying you will not get anyway in life by being scared. Feeling scared is a natural feeling so try to embrace it, put it to one side and give this job a real chance. It's obvious through reading your post you want to change your life and this is a great way to do that.

I'm not overweight but I have anxiety/panic attacks and spent a few months last year staying at home and being scared but at the same time wanting a job so I could change my life. I eventually realized that my life wasn't going to get better by just sitting at home and worrying so I decided to apply for jobs. I went through an interview and got a job. Like you when I received the job offer all sorts of anxious thoughts went through my mind. It even got to the point where I wish I hadn't received the job offer and even began to make excuses for me not to go in on the first day of my new job. But instead I pushed through and now I've been at my current job for six weeks and it's going great.

I'm not going to lie it can be tough on times. I do think to myself about what people think or me and still worry about it but I try my best to ignore it. I tell my self I don't care about what other people think of me. As long as I'm happy and I can do my job then who gives a dam what others think!

My advice would be try not to give up this opportunity. Give it a week or so and if you hate it then you can always quit if your in the position to. Distract yourself from any anxious thoughts. Try and push them to the back of your mind and in a few weeks time you could be like me and actually turn around and say that your comfortable in your new job. All the best and best of luck with the new job! :)