View Full Version : 2nd time on Citalopram bad nausea

09-09-13, 20:51
Hi, I'm new on here so don't know if I'm posting in right section!

I'm now on Citalopram for the second time for anxiety (20mg) and the first time (a few years ago) was a breeze, no bad side effects and felt better everyday. I was on it for approx. 1 year. When I came off I tried to reduce slowly but ended up forgetting it and I suppose I stopped quite quickly but I had no bad withdrawals.

So when my Dr suggested I go back on it 7 weeks ago I wasn't too worried. The side effects this time were terrible, first day of taking meds I ended up in A&E thinking I was having a heart attack (heart racing, tight chest). However, it's the nausea that really gets to me, first 3 days I was constantly feeling sick but since then it's a couple of days feeling ok then a couple feeling nauseous.

My Dr did suggest changing meds but I feel like I've come such a long way down the road with this that I don't want to change meds only to get side effects with another.

Seven weeks of nausea is really getting me down now. Has anybody else suffered with this for so long and then felt better or shall I admit defeat and change meds.

Help! :mad:

09-09-13, 22:27
Seven weeks is a pretty long time.

I'm only on citalopram for the first time in my life and I'm guessing it's been around 8 weeks for me. I feel fine now but the first week was full of nausea and headaches.

Sorry I cant help you with any good advice.

Best of luck to you.

10-09-13, 08:59
I had Nausea pretty bad for a couple of months. It seemed to come and go as you describe. I found Motilium very helpful. I also found it easier if i ate something in the morning. A banana and yogurt worked. I also avoided caffine. I wouldn't change meds. This will pass

10-09-13, 10:12
Thanks for your replies. It's helpful to know that someone else has had this problem.

I have some anti nausea tablets from Dr but I haven't used them as I wanted to see if this would pass on it's own. Maybe I should use them but I don't want to disguise the symptoms if that makes sense!

I see my Dr again on Friday and I know if I mention this to her she will want to change my meds. My anxiety is a lot better but to be honest I'm feeling pretty down about all this. Feel like it's a bit counter productive really because the nausea is making me feel bad mentally worse than before I started taking the tablets.

I know this can be a long haul but when do you actually draw the line and say enough is enough.

Sorry to waffle on but I don't want to worry my family too much as they have been so supportive and think I'm doing well which I am if it wasn't for this nausea.

10-09-13, 14:59
You could have to use meds for the nausea for a number of weeks. Remember that your body is adjusting so you will experience a whole heap of side effects during the start up phase .It took my body about 2 months to settle and even then i had random days where it was difficult to eat . Those days i just ate fruit and yogurt or cereal bars. Try and not let it get you down, it's unpleasant but i gurantee it will pass. It's definately too soon for a change

10-09-13, 16:39
Thanks DELIBY99 you've made my mind up...I'm sticking with it!

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

09-10-13, 17:01
I was on citalopram for years and went off cold turkey around July..
I had no side effects when I first went on it.

Now, I decided to go back it again yesterday 10mg. I experienced bad nausea and weakness yesterday and today it seems worse

What do I do 😩😩

11-10-13, 11:41
Take some motilium and that will help. In the moring try and eat a bananna and avoid caffine.