View Full Version : Anyone been taken off the sick ? !!!

24-10-06, 13:52
i Was on Incapacity Benefit due to anxiety and panic attaks i have never be able to work bcos of my problems!! doc at assessment centre messedd up my report and my benefit was taken off me Now I'm on Income Suport until i appeal !!!

one of the Questions was can you go out alone
and made it clear to her that i never can go out alone she wrote down i can now its all messed up and since being taken off sick its made me feel worse i keep havin panic attacks since getting the letter on saturday ive had a sharp chest pain..... im going to my docs tomorrow for some help

i would love to hear if anyone else as been in the same place im in at the mo and what happened !!!

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24-10-06, 14:27
Hi Nicki

Sorry to hear you're feeling bad. I've never been in your situation, but just wanted to say hi and tell you your not alone. Seeing your doc sounds like the best plan, maybe he or she can help speed things up for you. I saw my doc today and came away much reassured.

Hope you start to feel better soon.


24-10-06, 14:58
Sorry your going through a rough time.Your doctor needs to make it clearer to them why you are off sick.hope all goes well tomorrow for you.

Ellen XX

24-10-06, 18:48
Hiya Nikki

Sorry to hear about that, thought id reply and tell you your not alone.
Ive suffered for 4 years now and over the past 2 months it got that bad that i never went to work for 2 weeks, i went back but now find myself taking sickies as i have a fear of going out the houe alone

I really hope every thing sorts itself out.. im sure it will

all the best


24-10-06, 19:17
hiya guys thanks for your replys....ive sent my form off for the appeal....im going to explian everything to my doc tomorrow hopefully he can help

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24-10-06, 19:30
Hello Nicki, Sorry you are having such a hard time. I tried once for a disability check when I first started having panic attacks, the case worker denied me. I just had to make myself go to work ( as I support my family alone). It was really tough for awhile. But I got better and now am in college and work too. You too can get yourself back into the world. Talk to someone about how you feel, go to the Dr. and seek somekind of meds if you are willing to do that. I just made myself face up to the fears, it was awful feeling like my mind was slipping away and no one could understand. Now when I feel an attack coming on I tell myself NO!!, everything is okay and do any thing that can to distract myself or calm my nerves. The only time I have not gotton under control is at night when I wake up in the middle of a panic attack. One thing that I have noticed is that my on bad thoughts can cause me to have an attack. Do you have the same problem??? Step out on your door step or what ever and look around at the world and tell yourself okay, I am scared but there is no reason to be I am okay and I can take charge of my life. Little steps can help you learn to stop the PAs. Well hope you will start to get better. Do not give up. You can help yourself. You might enjoy getting out and seeing the world it is not that bad a place.
All the best,

24-10-06, 19:38
thanks for your reply hun.....wen im trying to sleep all thoughts enter my head and stop me from sleeping then when i do drop off to sleep i wake up in a panic..... another thing is i can never be alone....i also suffer from social phobia and depression.... im just shocked how i still suffer but been taken off the sick makes me laugh whats the point in going to the medicals if they dont listen !!!!

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25-10-06, 18:44
Hi nikki
Don't let the panic attacks beat you. You can do it. How are you at present.:(

25-10-06, 21:11
im not doing too well at the minute...not geting much sleep the chest pains are keeping me awake,,,the added stress from me being taken off the sick as made me feel worse its the last thing i need....and i got to sit around waiting for the appeal could take up to a month....im just glad i got my partner to lean on but i dont want to but stress on to him so its hard for me !!!!

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25-10-06, 22:11
Hi Nicki

It is riduculous. This is not the first time i have heard of these test centres getting things wrong. I was on incapacity benefit 10 years ago due to panic and anxiety and had all sorts of problems with it. i got no sympathy and was basicaaly told that i needed to get on with it as i suffered no visible physical problem and that i would need to "get a grip" and get a job! for want of better words. It angers me a great deal as at the time i would love to have been able to do just that. I was forced to get by on little money until i was well enough to earn myself - which took a long time. I know that us anxious people need sometimes to be pushed in the right direction but i think it very sad that we have no provisions made for long term anxiety. (or at least not then). As we all know this problem is not something thats easy to beat and does come back to bite you.

I would definetley go to the docs and fight your case - if your not well then its no differnt to any other health problem.

good luck


26-10-06, 02:10
Hi folks!

I keep telling myself that I'm going to be well by the time the next Incap questionnaire comes through the door.
It's simply not a pleasant time, having to fill the form in and be forced to think about the symptoms of anxiety and how debilitating it can be. It dredges up more bad feeling and worry.
This last time, I didn't need to go and see the benefit doctor which was some relief.

I got some help from someone who used to work at the Citizens Advice Bureau who showed me how the points system works for the entitlement to IB.
There's actually a few guides online, and here's a link to one of em:

The section on mental health (p. 9 and on) is the bit you need.

Do not be tempted to feel guilty about seeking advice or using this guide when/if it comes to filling in the Incap Questionnaire. The benefit is there to help us, not to make us feel worse!

Good luck and keep smiling! For goodness sakes, the hippy hippy shakes!


Take my adrenal gland. Please.

26-10-06, 02:42
Good luck Nicki. I hope your situation resolves itself soon and is as stress-free as possible.
Bureaucracy is a steaming pile of poo.


Take my adrenal gland. Please.

28-10-06, 16:28
thanks for the link ugy ill be sure to have a look at that...i got a letter this morning sayin they wont change the dession and it will now go to appeal not lookin forward to this im just stressin and panicin a lot makin me feel ill cant wait for it to be ova....just dont know how to make them see my point of view

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22-11-06, 19:50
Im going through a lot of stress at the moment !! As i was wrongly taken off incapacity i was put on a reduced payment of income support until my appeal £60 a wk which is peanuts !!
So now me and my partner had no choice but to do a joint claim for jobseekers even though im not fit for work...we both have to sign on seperately and becos i have told them im not fit for work i have to see a disabilty adviser!! as soon as i found all this out i had a big panic attack as i thought that becos i couldnt work only my parter would have to sign on!
now this is freakin me out and making me panic more as i cant work bcos of my social anxiety and panic attacks !!
ive told them i would like a job from home but im having really trouble finding that kind of work !!
anyone any ideas where i could find such job and ones that are not scams i would be very gratefull if anyone can be of any help as im really stressing ova this whole job thing and signin on !!

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22-11-06, 22:59
I am no expert on benefits but was general advisor at the citizens advice bureau.

The three main types are incapacity benefit, job seekers allowance and income support. Income support generally is means tested/contribution based ie how much you (or a partner) have paid in a tax year). JSA is contribution and means tested. It involves going to the JobCentre Plus every 2 weeks. They give you a booklet where you write down what jobs, interviews (anything to see that you have been making an effort to seek work).

You obviously cant work, so the only way I feel you miahgt get more action is get a letter from your GP stating you are unfit for work and have little money. Unfortunately the government work out what they believe that £........ is sufficient to meet the needs of claimants. Clearly it is not.

I dont know if you may qualify for Disability Living Allowance (low rate). If you go to the CAB they will work out what benefits you are to. They usually have attached to the organisation a specialist Benefits Manager who will work out what your entitlement is. If she/he feels the DWP has been unjust then she usually can take up your case for you.

It is possible you may need to make an appointment with her as their diaries fill up very quickly.

I am sorry I cannot be of more help. I left cab 5 years ago and although some things have changed the principle of advice and empowering you with the correct information will still be available.

Take Care of yourself

Loe Fran XX

23-11-06, 16:51
Thanks for your reply
Can anyone else be of any help noone work from home at all ?

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15-03-07, 16:32
Just updatein you all 6months later and ive just got back from the Tribunal for my Incapacity benefit they have allowed me back on Incap...I have to wait to see if the social Appeal against the decision....As anyone else passed an appeal befor if so what happened next ? did the social appeal aginst your pass ?

15-03-07, 16:43
hello hun, i've always passed my 'examination'... i know though that every time the forms come through the door or i have to go and be assessed by a doctor i get really anxious. i just gety so scared that they'll say i'm ok and take my benefits away from me. can't believe its taken them 6 months already, its ridiculous... did you have any luck finding work from home??? this is something i've been trying to look into.

15-03-07, 17:14

I went through the same situation as you. My ICB was stopped and i had to go to appeal. I won that i did not even have to go in the room and put my case. I really was a nervous wreak at that time and agree that with others that anxiety and panic is not looked on sympathetically by the people that we have to go see. The goverment is only interested in things looking good on paper. You will get back the money that you were not getting and in most cases they do not bother to take it again to appeal, certainly i do not know of anyone who this has happend too. I myself now work but if i had to go back on benefits and it's looking that way at the moment as i am off sick as i am being bullied at work. I now know what to do if i get called for a test and i will make sure that i do what i have to do not to have to go through losing my benefit again. Its not worth the stress. If your anything like me you try and make out your ok as you don't want to make a fool of yourself. That's why i lost my benefit. I had to have a drink before i left the house and did not sleep for days before the appointment and then had to keep having drink while i was there. If i had told them this i would of got the 10 points needed but i never as i was ashamed of myself. You should be fine now with your claim.

15-03-07, 17:20
I also mean't to say that if you have a CPN then the place that you go to might have resources to help with you working from home. Where i go they have a person who comes to the centre and they can help to find people work. Whatever you are looking for. Ours is the Birmingham Disability Resource Centre perhaps you have something like that in your area?

15-03-07, 17:22
Thankyou for your replies and kind words,and i really really hope you are right Pauline and i am ok now with my claim,i am just worrying that they will appeal my decision being overturned because they now have to pay me all the money i am owed..

And Honeybee.....No i haven't had any luck so far with finding any work from home,the only one i've seen is if i set up my own shop up online..

17-03-07, 23:59
Does anyone claim DLA for mental health problems ? if so what kind of problems do you claim it for ? ive tryed to claim it befor but got turned down thinking if to claim it again

18-03-07, 12:13
a friend of mine works at cab and he's mentioned it, think i came to the conclusion that i hadnt paid enough national insurance to claim it.. its so hard finding out what you're actually entitled to.. its best to speak to a citizens advisor

18-03-07, 13:05
Thanks Honeybee xx

18-03-07, 14:31
i had my icapacity benefit stopped in august last year,when i was sent the findings of the report i couldnt believe it the doctor had not listened to a word i said, he ticked that i could go out alone when i told him i couldnt he really did mess it up,i appealed and my partner attended the hearing for me in early feb,said he spoke to two really nice women there but they said that they would really need to see me,he explained that i wouldnt be able to go to the offices(he doesnt suffer from panic attacks and said he was really nervous while waiting to be interviewed)anyway to cut a long story short they said that they can in certain circumstances come out to your house to interview you,which is what i am now waiting for,ill let you know how i get on
take care

18-03-07, 15:41
Sounds like you have gone through everything that i went through myself....i wish you all the luck in the world and i hope you get the right decision xx

24-04-07, 00:08
Had my benefits stopped suddenly last week, after a dwp medical.

Seems the doctor either did not listen to what I said, or ignored it, or just could not use the computer properly :(

I cant believe they are now using a computer based system, with pre-written answers to decide the outcomes of peoples futures.

I know computers are unable to be programmed to do this properly, it is a impossibility to replace a real human with a multiple choice form on the web!

Hate to think how long an appeal will take, had to go through one before, which I won, but it took months. The first time they had not even given me the right medical....

24-04-07, 07:45
hi Nikki i am on income support myself and hate those dreaded medicals, the doctors there always treat me like something thats came off the bottom of their shoe and for that now i hate going.
the recieptionist are rubbish too they stare at me as though i am worthless because i aint got a job and make me feel so small.

And some people who pay taxes think bad of people who dont work and asume that because there looks to be nothing physically wrong with me that i am pretending to be ill, why would i? the money is terrible but i have NO choice right now.

i would like to take a moment to thank the people who pay taxes and dont grudge it because they put food in my mouth and help me because i cant work.

but as for those medicals i am fighting the pa's so much lately and whether i am ready or not i will get a part time job by sometime this year because going to those medicals only makes me feel worse after them, sometimes angry and frustrated too.

i have only been to 2 medicals in my time but i repeat myself again by saying i hate them.

Ashley xxxxxx