View Full Version : White dot on my upper gum! Advice needed :(

09-09-13, 23:06
I think I'm going mad, I keep checking my mouth. It's true what they say if you keep looking you will find something. So let me get to the point, I'm just casually sitting and moving my tongue around my gum, when I felt something different. So I looked in the mirror and what do you know a small white dot on top of my upper molar. First I thought it was food, but nope it's not food. I pressed on it, doesn't hurt. Now I'm in complete panic mode, what can this be 😞😞😞😞😞

09-09-13, 23:25
Probably a tiny ulcer. They don't always hurt. It is absolutely not anything serious. x

09-09-13, 23:31
I know I shouldn't search it on google, but for some weird reason I did, and apparently white spots/dots in the mouth not a good sign ��

09-09-13, 23:39
If its looks like a large white head spot then its probably a small abcess,
I had one years ago, nothing to worry about, get your dentist to check it out, it'll be fine :)

Jayne x

09-09-13, 23:47
So much calmer, now that you said it could be a abcess. However the white dot on my gum can only be felt and seen when I shine a light on it. It's like someone's poked it with a pin, and it's left a white dot as a mark behind.

10-09-13, 09:47
Sounds like it could well be an abscess - I had one and it started with a white dot on my upper gum. Easily treated! :)

10-09-13, 23:31
Yeah, thats how mine started too, deffo a trip to the dentist, easy peasy :)

Jayne x