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View Full Version : Anxiety my whole life

10-09-13, 08:26
Hello everyone,
I just felt like I wanted to tell my life story about anxiety.

It's always been there. I've wondered if it can be something you inherit since my mother is the most anxious person I've ever met, and she said her mother "was always worried".

My mother was abusive..physically and mentally. My brother was sexually abusive. 5 years ago I stopped talking to all of them. It's helped a lot, but it isn't over in my head, all the issues.

My mother has convinced herself she was dying since she was 19 years old..she is now 62. She's never had a real illness. I could get into the details but that feels like a lot of work ..but it's so bizarre what she believes about her health.

I've always been nervous...because everyone gave me a reason to be. The kids at school were mean, my mom was vicious, my dad was a cop and just felt "compelled" to tell us about murders and violence in the town. I've had 2 rounds of cystic acne in my life, each time lasting a year. I have vaginal problems and lots of migraines since 2008. Since summer started, I've been getting blotchy skin on my face. I just want the problems to stop..and I want the anxiety to stop. But I don't know how.

The stress has continued into my adult life..I've never been able to get a job because of severe social anxiety and caring for my retarded 7 year old. I want it to end. I don't like thinking there's all these people laughing at me because they think they've beat me..and I include my own mother in that. Can anyone relate to this?
