View Full Version : What is going on!

24-10-06, 14:17
A quick hello to you all.

Just registered and want to say hi and hope someone here can help?

In brief I think I have just begun to get health anxiety.

Due to late nights, lack of exersice and too much work I began to feel ill/ flu like.

Had a very bad day three weeks ago felt like chest was burning and could not breath.
Hands and feet went numb and had to call an ambulance on the motorway.

Hospital did ECG all ok and blood oxygen ok so went home.

Still felt like I had a hot burning on chest and back and felt dificult to breath.

Have been back and forward to GP and have had chest xray that was clear but now I still feel like i have a wheeze at the top of my breath and that sends me into a state of worry that has me in knots.

Doctor has said that I need to relax and has referred me to a therapist/councilor.
I still can't stop feeling like my lungs are not working and I still seem to have a little wheeze from time to time throughout the day.

Hope therapist can help this is driving me nuts!

24-10-06, 14:46
hi there i understand how ya feeling...i have felt like this on and off for 9 months now, i too have had chest xray , ecgs -all normal.....and i cant understand why i feel this way...i can only tell you its anxiety, as everyone else does, im sick of feeling half baked all the time...i feel ill-yet im being told im not.........im looking into having mild asthma..as exercise leaves me slightly wheezy and with an uncomfortable feeling in my chest-try to relax have some early nights, and try not to dwell on the feeling-it makes it worse
take care

25-10-06, 09:02
Thanks for response.
I do feel that I am having anxiety attacks because of the wheezy breathing feeling and pains but I am being told that I need to relax.

I have seen 2 doctors over the last 4 weeks be neither is my normal doctor.

The first said it looked like I had a virus and to take paracetemol, the second said I had a chest infection, gave me anti biotics then after a couple of weeks has now referred me to a councillor.

I have just written to my normal asking if I can go in and have a full chat about what has gone on and to try and find out why I feel like my breathing seems short, tight and some times painfull.

I do agree that I have been stressed lateley but I would agree that in part this is causing problems but not 100% convinced.

Sheik N Shimmy
25-10-06, 10:18
You could check out the possibility that you have Acid Reflux (GERD). This can create breathing difficulties and chest pain among other things.
It's made worse by stress/anxiety.



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