View Full Version : Having Such a Bad Day and Look so Ill and Tired

Female healthanxiety
10-09-13, 12:35

Don’t know how much more I can take of feeling this way – Sorry if I am ranting.

I am at work and just feel like death today.

I just had a look in the mirror and look so ill – I have dark circles underneath my eyes, my eyes look so tired and red, almost closed. Am feeling like I am giong to faint, feel so weak.

I had a Full Blood Count done 3 weeks ago and all came back fine – even though my Thyriod is always border line Low – but DR said its not classed as low as yet...... it’s been like that for years now.

I went to bed last night at 11.30pm, which is good for me, as I generally do at 12.00pm onwards.

I wrote a post yeaterday complaining of a stabbimg sensation in my left arm and also on and off chest pains, which have seemed to have subsided today (my HA is heart attack/stroke fear).

I m feeling quite sick today as well like I am going to throw up.

I feel dizzy as well, almost to thepoint I feel like if someone taped me, I would fall to whichever side relevant, as slightly overweight as I am!

I also feel quite hot.

While writing this I also have a left shoulder pain and my neck hurts – I know what your going to say muscular – but it does not feel lke it.

Really want to go home – but I have no more sick days left and cannot afford it –


10-09-13, 12:53
Think of a reward to treat yourself with if you make it through the day at work, and when you finish make sure you go and buy yourself that reward.

Doesn't have to be an expensive one - favourite chocolate bar, bottle of wine, DVD etc.

Let us know how you get on.

Female healthanxiety
10-09-13, 12:55
I am broke!!! that is another story!!!

Just feel like I am gonan have a full blown Heart Attack, cant shake it off.

and have to go bank today as well - thinking all sorts of things ;-(((((((((((

10-09-13, 12:58
I look like that after 3 hours' sleep. My own silly fault, I absent-mindedly ordered coffee after a meal yesterday evening!

Because I have cut down on caffeine so much, it really affected me.

I am torn between staying awake all day and going to sleep - but I don't think I shall have a choice, I feel SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tired!!!!

Female healthanxiety
10-09-13, 13:03
Now have pins and needles in my feet and they feel like they are going numb.

I am now in my toilet at work and just don't have the energy to cry just feel so frightened......

10-09-13, 13:09
You don't have the energy to cry but you do have the energy and state of mind to post on here?

You need to face your fear right now. Just say 'to hell with it' and get on with your job. If you can muster the strength to do this you will feel MILES better for it later, believe me.

PS a reward doesn't have to cost money, could be a hot bath etc.

Female healthanxiety
10-09-13, 13:12
Well yes, thee is a big difference in typing and then letting out my emotions, i feel too scared to cry ;-(


my face feels so hot and also feel light headed like my eyes are going to roll

10-09-13, 13:37
That's exactly how I felt yesterday for about the first 8 hours I was awake. Don't know how I managed to work through it, but I did! I must've worn myself out by 4pm because my mind slowly drifted away from it and the rest of the evening was better.

Today I've felt okay until an overwhelming spell of dizziness took over about an hour ago. It's starting to pass now but I feel really "out of it" now.

I know what you mean about having to go in the toile to calm down. I do that frequently. And also about being too exhausted to cry... it's too mentally involved to let it out then have to pull yourself back together, especially at work.

We will get through this day, just like we've gotten through many others, and it will make going home that much more sweet! The thought of going home and watching TV in bed gets me through the day... sad but true! xx

Female healthanxiety
10-09-13, 13:46
Thank you heart.

I am just convinced. I have for the last 30 minutes, really bad heartburn like a feeling in my throat which seems to be getting thicker :-(

I also have pains in my upper shoulders and am just feeling really hot and now my feet are numb after the pins and needles.

I keep swallowing as I feel like this feeling I'm my throat is going to bring on something :-(

When I breathe in as well, feels like I have a dull pain in the side of my chest; like under my arm pit, it's more prominent when I stretch it slightly.

I can't stop thinking about my symptoms

---------- Post added at 13:46 ---------- Previous post was at 13:45 ----------

I'm 30 by the way

10-09-13, 13:51
All sounds like a panic attack. You are not having a heart attack, just like you haven't had one all the other times you thought you were!

How long have you been dealing with this?

Female healthanxiety
10-09-13, 13:56

I've had GAD since I was 20, am now 30.

However haven't had HA for the last 3 years.

I'm normally such a strong person; feel like crying I really do, have gone in the back office to do some filing but just can't even cope.

My left arm feels so different and my back, parallel to my breast side at the back hurts.

10-09-13, 14:07
hi not sure if I can help but it dos seem like your having a panic attack and the pain in your side sounds like irritable bowels you can get heartburn with that I also have borderline thyroid my sister has underactive thyroid shes on meds for it nothing to worry about you need to exercise and eat and sleep well that's all, ice lolly's help when panicking, and a elastic band round your wrist the elactic band work for me its so painful you forget what the panic was about :hugs:hope this helps


Female healthanxiety
10-09-13, 15:31
Just got off the phone to my DR's and they he basically laughed at me,............. Said K, please stop worrying - I said, I wouldnt care if the symptoms were on the right hand side of my body and he said whys that - I said as this is where my heart is etc. he said NO NO just try and relax...........

he said my blood tests were fine and that the pains were probably muscular

I do not feel ANY BETTER

10-09-13, 16:51
Well now you have a choice to make. Do you believe your fears or your doctor?

Have these symptoms resulted in a heart attack? No.
Have they ever? No.
Have you had tests? Yes.
Have you spent time focussing on the fear and tensing up your muscles? Yes.

Sweetheart it is up to you now as it is to all of us. If you've done CBT, use it. If you haven't, do it. x