View Full Version : Its back-again

24-10-06, 15:02
hi there-has anyone else been feeling "half baked" ...this last week ive been feeling so washed out-like im getting flu, but hasnt arrived!.......the light headed ness has come back along with the muzzy head that i had when my anxiety first started.....im so tierd of this now i think ive battled one symptom only for it to return months later!..........along with my fainting fear-i thought i had conquered that one over the summer-but no its come back and the thought im gonna faint is haunting me wherever i go-sorry to whinge, but could anyone give me a few words of reassurance.....thanks everyonex

piglits pal
24-10-06, 17:27
I get that - exactly as you describe it. You feel like you're getting flu but it never quite appears. You just feel drained and fuzzy. It'll be fine. :D

24-10-06, 18:37
Hi, sorry to hear you are feeling bad again. I had a really good month or so, when I felt I was well on the way to recovery, then I had a HUGE set back and was back feeling really rough and convinced myself I was ill again. This has lasted about a month, and now I am coming out the other side.

I know how you feel though, I hate the ongoing battle I have with my head just to get through the day when I'm feeling low. So hard to explain to anyone who hasn't been there. I thought I had truly accepted my tummy/bowel symptoms to be IBS, but there I was a couple of weeks ago in a huge state of panic that know way could this be IBS, it must be more serious.

Yet today I am looking back on events last week and thinking "what was that all about".

And I can also relate to the flu-type symptoms, the aching all over, fuzzy head, dizziness, and the incredible tiredness.

My friend is a nurse. She tells me this is a typical pattern for anxiety, that it will come and go, and I won't particularly know what has triggered it when it returns, but she promises me that the "good" periods will become longer, as will the time inbetween, so that eventually I end up with more good days than bad.

I hope so!