View Full Version : Personal question for people...

10-09-13, 16:14
Anyone got a low sex drive since being depressed/anxious?

Me and my partner haven't been "together" for about 3 weeks.
It's not that I don't want to but my mind isn't letting me.

I'm worried he will leave me soon.

little scientist
10-09-13, 16:37
Yes definitely it can be affected. Explain this to your partner, he should understand :)

10-09-13, 23:20
Yes. I think mainly because I'm withdrawn into myself, so there's less emotional connection, and I'm spending a lot of time alone in the garden while she's working as normal, so you don't get the touchy/feely/smily thing that may lead somewhere. That and the fact that I'm an irrational grumpy arse at the moment and that alienates her somewhat.