View Full Version : Just found out I'm pregnant again, terrified I've got cancer and can't cope

10-09-13, 20:06
That's it really. I can't get an appointment to see my doctor for 2 weeks. I'm so scared I've got vowel cancer and on top of this scared about being pregnant again.

It's getting a bit much : (

10-09-13, 20:15
Hi congratulations on your pregnancy! I know its scary to be pregnant especially when you have anxiety cos I've been there but it will be all worth it once you have your baby :-) its important to stay as stress free as possible. Why is it you think you have bowel cancer? Its much more likely to be ibs xxx

10-09-13, 20:47
I loved being pregnant with my little boy, it's the only time I've ever been free of HA ironically. My HA has always been about bowel cancer- I had a breakdown almost 2 years ago to the day (just before I got pregnant) when I had a pain under my ribs that I was convinced was bowel cancer. I had various tests then went on sertraline and had CBT. I was fine until December when I had an anal fissure and it started all over. Since then I've had issues with stool colour and am always convinced its red (even though when I take a stool and look at it, it's brown and nothing on wiping).

I've spent most of the day in the loo examining my stool. I can't tell if there's anything wrong. I just hate my life.

10-09-13, 21:10
Have you spoke to your dr recently? It's taking over your life clearly. You've had all the tests but still don't believe it. I really think you need to go back to your dr as you don't want to spend your pregnancy like this xxx

10-09-13, 21:24
You should use a quick pregnancy test to determine if you're pregnant. There's also some methods to tell if you have cancer, these are methods you can try yourself without waiting consulting a doctor: bit.ly/15hxuh6 (http://bit.ly/15hxuh6)
On top of all this, you should really just relax. Everything will be fine :)

10-09-13, 21:30
I've taken a pregnancy test. It's confirmed.

The problem with cancer symptoms is that I think I have them all. Apart from unexplained weight loss sadly!

10-09-13, 21:38
Button can you get a dr appointment any sooner xxx

10-09-13, 21:59
I can't deal with seeing anyone but my doctor. Every time I have it has been terrifying and makes me worse. I'm going away (which I dread) until 25th.I'm not sure what to do.

11-09-13, 09:25
Some good news- I've got my first CBT appointment tomorrow....

11-09-13, 09:40
Hope it helps button :-) xxx

11-09-13, 11:17
Thanks, I think it will help to talk things through and try to map out a way forward.

I made a deal with myself this morning that after my next BM, I'd check and if there was nothing obviously wrong I wouldn't check again unless I'm feeling unwell.

There truly was nothing wrong- I couldn't remotely see anything red. So I'm OK to stop right?

11-09-13, 12:43
Of course. It would be excellent if you could stop. Try not to look at all after the next one xxx