View Full Version : help? feeling very low!:(

10-09-13, 20:37
so basically I suffer from anxiety and panic disorder
every noe and then I hit real low, where all I want to do is hide under a rock and not talk to people, mainly when I feel like I'm not wanted..I've never been told to suffer depression but I'm not sure if this is the start of it or what this is but if anyone could reply or message me, just to chat and support me or to give me some answers why I feel so low

10-09-13, 21:06
Hi there,

I too suffer with panic disorder, agoraphobia and anxiety. Like you I get times when I feel very low and my mental health worker said this is reactive depression to the situation. It always passes for me, but at the time I feel like its the end of the world as I feel so low. I know it caused by my situation so I need to work more on living with the panic disorder then I won't feel depressed about it anymore.

I always keep a diary so when I'm down I can read back on how felt and see that it passed and I got through it. Maybe you could try this.

11-09-13, 07:33
thank you so much for your response. It helps to know why, now I just need to know how to cope with his depression as I feel so low I just want to sleep.