View Full Version : Are long periods of shortness of breath a normal symptom of anxiety?

10-09-13, 20:41
I know that shortness of breath is a normal symptom of anxiety, but what about long term? (Not as in months, more like all day?) Over the past 2-3 days I've been feeling a bit short of breath, like I can breathe and I have no pain or anything or coughing, I just don't feel like I can fully like fill my lungs adequately, if you understand what I'm saying? A bit like slow hyperventilation (which is a juxtaposition in itself considering that hyperventilation is rapid breathing XD)

Please help!
I'm a 14 year old girl with a heart condition which I've had since birth. It's a serious heart condition but I'm no longer on medication so it's not as serious as it is for some people, and I'm quite sure it's not to do with my heart condition (but my parents are refusing to let me get checked out by a doctor- especially considering they know about my health anxiety and generally think I'm overexaggerating.

Thanks guys!

10-09-13, 21:18
Hi Briony.
I have had breathlessness but not to the point that it lasted all day. With your heart condition especially I think it is important to get it checked out. I'm surprised your parents are saying no to the doctor tbh but you can make an appointment and go to the drs without them which I think would be an important thing to do if they won't budge on the matter xx

12-09-13, 00:19
If you are often anxious, it could just be anxiety. I have had weeks on end where I obsess over my breathing and feel like I am never getting a proper breath. However, with your heart condition, I do think it's worth speaking to the GP to make sure it's nothing more serious. Hopefully it will put your mind as ease!