View Full Version : Autumn/winter anxiety

24-10-06, 15:22
I was just wondering if anyone else starts to feel more anxious when autumn comes around and it starts being darker later in the mornings & earlier in the evenings? I felt so much less anxious over the summer, but since this recent change in the season my anxiety has come back with a vengeance and I have also started feeling very spaced out and unable to concentrate again. I have also been wondering whether a SAD lamp might help, and if anyone has tried one of these?

Thanks guys, Kxx

24-10-06, 15:28
hi i have a sad lamp, dont know if it works but it does brighten the room up. I keep mine at work (school) and the kids notice the difference when its off. They tell me if we need it on. Just having a bright room helps.

24-10-06, 15:39
I'm wired up backwards. I have spring freak-outs.

24-10-06, 16:54
Hi Kiki I find my depression,moods are worse in the winter months.If its a cold day in winter but sunny I cheer up.Does that make sense.I feel the cold alot to which I dont like.[8D]:)[8D]
Take care

Ellen XX

piglits pal
24-10-06, 17:11
I don't do so well during the short winter days either.

24-10-06, 17:23

Yes, my anxiety was better in the summer but the dark evenings soes make me a little more anxious.


24-10-06, 17:49
Hello, well I bucked this trend, I posted "heatwave anxiety" on this forum in the summer because the hot weather pushed my anxiety through the roof. I love autumn and winter personally but I can relate to what you're saying about the seasons bringing on anxiety - we're all different. I think the lightbox idea could be good, but also getting out and about as much as possible in the daylight hours will help - even sitting in the garden wrapped up in a coat with a good book wil help - is it vitamn D? Anyway, it's a certain vitamin that we get from the sun that we lack in the darker months. Remember too, in just a few weeks the days will be geting longer again!

24-10-06, 19:26
I was thinking about getting one of those lamps - I hate the dark nights, my anxiety has started to spiral again too!

26-10-06, 11:11
Thanks for all your responses. It just helps to know that other people suffer from this too and I'm not going crazy (though I still feel I am sometimes). Don't think it helps that I work full-time in an air-conditioned office with artificial lighting...so went for it & bought a SAD lamp yesterday, so I'll keep you posted on how it goes. Only got a very small one though as never realised how expensive they were!

Take care xx

26-10-06, 11:15
Hi Kiki,

Try these posts they may be of some help!

seasons?? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6047)
SAD? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6452)



26-10-06, 14:47
Hiya Kiki,

This is deffo the case for a lot of people - myself included. It's the mornings I find difficult as I wake very early and have 3 hours before it starts getting light.

The evenings are not so bad for me - I find that once I've closed the curtains, I can feel quite cosy and comfortable.

I've been meaning to buy a lamp myself but never got around to it - would you mind dropping a post here or a PM to let me know how you find it?

Best wishes

Steve x

***And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance... I hope you dance***

26-10-06, 21:19
Hey kiki, i get really down in winter - i could just hibernate until summer. The sun and blue skies seem to give me so much energy. I was looking into getting a SAD lamp too - roll on summer!!!:-)