View Full Version : How long can physical anxiety symptoms last?

10-09-13, 21:11
I visited my GP in June after waking one morning and my arm didn't feel "right", it felt heavy and weak. After googling I found MS, and started getting tingles and various other symptoms like heavy legs etc. Dr said I had anxiety and most of the symptoms went away fairly quickly, but the arm persists.

I've now found another health issue, ALS. I'm permanently checking myself for weakness, and this week read that ALS can start in one finger, and doing things like pressing buttons on a microwave can be the first you notice. Yep, this led to me testing each of my fingers on the microwave. To my horror I discovered that my ring finger (on my "weak" arm) is substantially weaker than any other finger on either hand. I don't have any trouble with grip or holding heavy objects, but pressing down is very difficult with just that finger. I've even got to the point where I notice having to make effort with that finger when typing. I've also got tight muscles and some discomfort in other muscles in that arm.

I didn't have any history of anxiety symptoms until my arm went, and this symptom seems to have persisted whereas all of the other symptoms went quite quickly, which makes me worry there is actually something wrong. Even though the Dr did some strength tests, that was 3 months ago, and it might have changed since.

I'm worrying that some people seem to have reported ALS that progresses quite slowly, rather than the wake up in the morning and be unable to turn a key story, they noticed gradual decline.

Is it possible to have really had anxiety symptoms for this long? Can anxiety make one finger weak?

10-09-13, 21:21
ALD is extraordinarily rare. I believe the number of diagnoses per year is around 5500 or so. Out of 300 million people. It could very well be a pinched nerve leading you to feel a perceived weakness in that finger.

If you cannot grip and hold a coffee cup with the finger, then yes, it is clinically weak. If you can, it is weak based on your perception.

10-09-13, 21:53
I chuckled when I read your post. Not because it's funny but because you sound exactly like me around a year ago. Mine started with tingling in my finger & wrist & progressed to an ache & weakness in my right arm. Doctor thought it could be RSI & I was made to take a couple of days off to rest it. In that time I discovered Dr Google who told me I had either MS or ALS..... possibly both. I spent hours testing my balance, hopping & jumping up stairs because if you can do this then you haven't got ALS. This went on for weeks and the aching spread to my legs, back & more or less everywhere. Cutting a long story short, it was anxiety causing it all. Anxiety will make you believe anything if you let it. I later moved onto brain tumours & my MS/ALS disappeared for a while!! A year later I have no worsening symptoms & although I still have problems with achy muscles, it's more to do with bad posture & tenseness. You're absolutely fine. xx

Tilly Flop
10-09-13, 22:17
I'm pretty sure everyone's ring finger is weaker than the rest. Mine certainly are. X

10-09-13, 22:45
Thank you all for your replies.

I suppose I know deep down that I'm just being irrational, but I think I'm finding it hard to accept the Dr's diagnosis of anxiety because I genuinely didn't *feel* anxious until my arm started playing funny buggers! This then sent me off into a spiral that I don't seem able to get out of.

I can't help shake the feeling that the Dr diagnosed me 3 months ago, what if its changed? He didn't sent me to a neurologist, so I have no specialist opinion, no MRI, no clinical strength test etc.

To answer chasingdogma's question, I can hold a mug of coffee between my ring finger and thumb, but not for long, and it doesn't feel as sturdy as my right hand, or any other fingers on either hand.

I feel like a bit of a mess at the moment, this health worry consumes most of my waking thoughts :(

11-09-13, 02:41
I'm pretty sure everyone's ring finger is weaker than the rest. Mine certainly are. X

I totally agree. My ring fingers actually feel funny when I try to use them alone (tried after reading this post). I know how scary it can be but all those things you mentioned have happened to me too and I don't think I have either of those.
I am actually up right now a little scared because I woke up with numbing hands (my bed is so crap, mattress springs actually make my hips ache) so I know how easy it is to get carried away. Plus you have mentioned it to the doctor and that makes something sinister even less likely.

11-09-13, 08:31
Thank you Keekee

When I saw the Dr I was not aware of my ring finger weakness, this is something I've only noticed in the last couple of days (its probably been there all along, but of course I've become hyper-vigilant recently).

I have no obvious loss of strength, I can still lift things etc, and my wife is disabled and I'm able to help her out of bed/bath/chair etc. I think worrying I have something sinister and won't be able to help her makes things worse to be honest.

I hate this, I just want to go back my life! 3 months ago I was perfectly fine :mad:

11-09-13, 09:24
I know how you feel. Before March this year I was too. Now I just feel as though my whole life has changed.
Good luck

11-09-13, 09:38
You will be perfectly fine again. I was the same - anxiety hit me like a tonne of bricks out of nowhere. Not knowing anything about anxiety and all the effects was very confusing for me and difficult to take in. Mine took a while to settle but the more accepting you are of it then the sooner you can recover. xx

11-09-13, 16:17
I think just as they can last for a month, they can also last for years. I have brain tumor anxiety and I still get head pains for over an year and a half.

11-09-13, 16:31
Absolutely! I had a form of head pain or pressure on a daily basis for 6-7 months. Then it went away for a few weeks and came back. Since my anxiety eased up they've gone. I still get random headaches like everyone else but I accept that's what it is, treat it and it goes. xx