View Full Version : Tingling feeling on Head, Freaking Out

11-09-13, 03:19
I have been getting this really weird feeling on my scalp, my whole head like starts to tingle. this is the worst when i am working out and right after i work out. Sometimes i get randomly though. I have very bad GA and HA and am wondering if this could be caused from this. It freaks me out and also seems to be in the back of the head the most. Another sympotom i wanted to ask about is that my hands knees and feet have been getting cold randomly. They start to turn a little bit purple bluish and feel cold, but they are not numb. this is something compltly different but it is kinda freaking out. I am worried i have something nerologic, haveing something like MS or ALS is my worst nightmare, i am 20 years old white healthy male and have had all blood work and tests done. My current conditions are sinuitus, bad allergys, bad anxiety mostly about health, Visual Snow, post nasal drip and acid reflex. Please help me calm my nervses. THank you!!!!

11-09-13, 04:06
Hi, woooah - you have had all the tests done and they were normal.

You are 20.

You are fine. All the symptoms you mention are anxiety symptoms and they get worse the more you look at them, like kids clamouring for attention. Reading through here, you will be surprised how many people fear MS/ALS.

I think it's because anxiety for lots of us springs from a feeling of being out of control - and which illnesses could be more random or out of control than ones which strike subtly at first and are different for every person?

Except - my dad died of Motor Neuron Disease. He had a peaceful death and all through his illness he made choices - he didn't want a feeding tube, he didn't want to be in a hospice, he did want to go on making awful jokes and spending time with his family.

His last words were: "I'm feeling very happy, nurse."

So - y'know, face out that one thing we do all have to face. Maybe 2 minutes today, just allow the thought - "I will die one day." Then refuse it admission into your head. Same tomorrow.

The rest of the time? Use that tiny thought as a reminder to LIVE LIVE LIVE!!

Gill x

11-09-13, 15:56
I get this alot and have done for coming on 6 years now. I get tingling all over my head especially around the top and if oftens makes me itch my head. Doc said its just anxiety, I also get alot of head pressure too like something pushing down on my head. I find that a head massage makes it a bit better.