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mark bucks
11-09-13, 04:59
Hi everyone,

Mark here, 31 years old, married with three beautiful children. Physically I am fit and I stay in shape, I have an amazing wife who supports everything I do. From the outside it would appear that I have everything and I would agree that I do and I should be happy, but, I have crippling pangs of health anxiety :( if I am occupied then I'm my normal chirpy self but as soon as I'm alone or it's quiet the bad thoughts and panic set in. I'm here to just talk to people who might be feeling the same and hopefully get some peace of mind.

Daisy Sue
11-09-13, 06:54
Hi Mark & welcome :)

I'm sure you'll gain a lot of reassurance here.. So many people are carrying the same anxiety and panic issues as you are. Have you told your GP how you're feeling?

mark bucks
11-09-13, 08:56
Hi Daisy,

Thanks for the reply. I haven't mentioned it to my GP because i dont really know where to start and i am slightly embarrassed. I have always been someone that didn;t really buy into the idea of depression assuming as it was a state of mind it could be controlled. I now know that is completely wrong. My wife thinks i have PTSD because of my time in the military and that is why i worry about my health so much, im not too sure about that.

Daisy Sue
11-09-13, 20:02
Hi again.. your wife might be right. Being in the military is something to be very proud of, but as you'll know, it can take it's toll on you mentally and physically.

Depression can't always be mended without intervention, and there's absolutely nothing shameful, weak, or embarrassing about admitting to your GP that you're struggling just now. He/she may or may not prescribe meds, they may have other ideas which would help you, and maybe just by talking to the doctor about it, and getting feedback & reassurance from them, might be enough to give you a little start to getting control back.

I really would think again about seeing your GP - it's a first step to getting your happy back.