View Full Version : Panic Attack In Bed - Regrets

11-09-13, 06:21
Do you guys think the anxiety from the last week is coming out now? I had my share of my Dad, Mania, A&E, police banging down the door to take me to the Psychiatric ward where I spent the night and now my blood cells are low.

I was going over all this in my mind last night and it was then that I started to get anxious. Sweating, trembling, tight cheat and crushing chest. I took 1mg Lorazepam, but it didn't work, hence me creating this thread at 6am.

Last week I was manic and buzzing around and didn't need sleep, but since I stabilized I'm drained emotionally and psychically, yet I can't stop playing things over and over in my mind and it's keeping me awake despite taking 7.5 of Zimovane.

I've taken 1mg Ativan in hope that I settle a bit. My heart is bouncing out of my chest, I'm shaky and sweaty and very emotional. At this stage I'll cry at anything. I'm having a cigarette and a cup of chamomile tea.

I also have to deal with a blood test this coming Monday, because the blood tests in A&E when I was admitted were low.

I'm not Manic, I'm just full of regrets that are causing panic attacks.

Any advice would be appreciated,


Daisy Sue
11-09-13, 06:47
Hi Edd, I'm also awake when I should be fast asleep!

Have you ever heard people say that we get through the crises while we need to, and the after effects kick in when things calm down? I suspect this is what's going on with you just now.. your adrenalin will have been in top gear while you coped with everything the last week or two has thrown at you, and now you're feeling the after-shock of it all. It's normal, and nothing to worry about.

Which part of your blood is low count, do you know? That can also contribute to a general not feeling well.. Hopefully when you get the next results, the doc can give you a supplement to sort this out.

If you read through your opening post, you'll see all the evidence of why you're panicking... Just try not to go over & over it in your mind, & replace those thoughts with positive and reassuring ones.

11-09-13, 07:27

That's a lot of meds you're taking to calm you down and they don't seem to be helping. Not that you need me to say but it's what we do not what we take that will help us all get through this. Meds can be great at giving us some relief and breathing space to gather our thoughts and work out ways to deal with the anxiety but we have to be absolutely determined to do everything we can to help ourselves. I don't know what you've tried but I would definitely spend some time planning which techniques to try and giving it all you've got - I'm sure some members will help if you're not sure.

Of course, I'm not saying things aren't difficult or that you don't have some real worries at the moment but it's unlikely that you'll come across anything more challenging than anxiety and panic so, if you can deal with that, you can deal with anything life throws at you. Try not to see meds as the answer but more one of the many means to help you help yourself.

You've got nothing to lose by giving it a go, right?

Pip x

11-09-13, 09:38
Do you guys think the anxiety from the last week is coming out now? I had my share of my Dad, Mania, A&E, police banging down the door to take me to the Psychiatric ward where I spent the night and now my blood cells are low.

I was going over all this in my mind last night and it was then that I started to get anxious. Sweating, trembling, tight cheat and crushing chest. I took 1mg Lorazepam, but it didn't work, hence me creating this thread at 6am.

Last week I was manic and buzzing around and didn't need sleep, but since I stabilized I'm drained emotionally and psychically, yet I can't stop playing things over and over in my mind and it's keeping me awake despite taking 7.5 of Zimovane.

I've taken 1mg Ativan in hope that I settle a bit. My heart is bouncing out of my chest, I'm shaky and sweaty and very emotional. At this stage I'll cry at anything. I'm having a cigarette and a cup of chamomile tea.

I also have to deal with a blood test this coming Monday, because the blood tests in A&E when I was admitted were low.

I'm not Manic, I'm just full of regrets that are causing panic attacks.

Any advice would be appreciated,

So sorry you are like this Edward, I am up there with you this morning have been having panic attacks since early hours, l know its not the answer but like you I have resorted to lorazepam and snap cigarette and chamomile tea, I know we should have been stronger and fought this head on but my love its not always that easy. I have no magic answer but just wanted you to know you are not alone this morning. Take care lots of love Kim xx:bighug1:

11-09-13, 10:42
How long is it since you had a full review of your meds, Edward? Sometimes people's reactions to them change and as you are on so many, perhaps some of them are interacting unhelpfully..?

11-09-13, 14:42
How long is it since you had a full review of your meds, Edward? Sometimes people's reactions to them change and as you are on so many, perhaps some of them are interacting unhelpfully..?

My meds were reviewed on Thursday last.

11-09-13, 14:46
Ed I'm wandering what you mean by manic? You say mania in the way bi-polar people are manic but I don't often here it outside that.

11-09-13, 20:02
My PDoc said I reached mania..

11-09-13, 20:47
Oh I've just seen your previous post about your episode. My god now wonder you feel like you do! Mania is different from anxiety so I hope you get that sorted, I worry a little about the amount of meds you are on and if that's to do with it.
Go with your emotions, don't try to stop them, let them flow like a river and run themselves steady.

11-09-13, 20:47

Have you managed to have a think about what I wrote? I know it's probably not the sort of advice you were looking for but I'd be doing you a disservice if I wasn't honest with you and that's not my style. Remember that good friends will always tell you the truth, even if you don't like what they have to say.

I'm not saying I'm right but, as I said, it's got to be worth trying to think up a new plan to help yourself. When I'm a bit stuck for what to do, my first stop is always Claire Weekes.

Take care

Pip x