View Full Version : Mentally ill man...What to do!

11-09-13, 10:00
Hi guys, I hope your all well :D

I have a problem, well half the people in our area do. On the school run in the morning there is a man, he is clearly mentally ill and has serious issues about being around people. The road down to school is quite narrow with hedges to one side and a very busy main road to the other, this is a very busy school access point. Well this man always chooses to come out at this time, when all the mums and dads (including myself) are taking their children to school.
When mums are trying to get past him with a pram and kids in tow he is so far in the bushes to avoid them. He tuts and swears and tells people to go away, but not so politely.
He has even gone as far as shaking his fist at a little girl on her way to school, they take that route every day and now the little girl is too frightened to walk past him. One day I was walking to school with my son and my sister with my niece and nephew and this man said something nasty to my little boy, he is only 9. I snapped and told him to get lost and he got quite aggressive and told me to F off and we ended up with an altercation in the street. In a way I felt guilty afterwards because I can tell he has a mental condition of some sort...Then I think 'well so do I'. I suffer with BPD and even though I am stable at the moment sometimes I can snap and lash out without thinking first, and that day when he was horrible to my son I couldn't help it, I couldn't control it.
Now I dread going to school and having to walk past him, not because he scares me as such but because I am worried that I may start something with him, because sometimes my BPD stops me from controlling my emotions. I'm highly anxious every morning. I feel sorry for my sister because she can't help going near her because she has my niece in a pram.
There have been several complaints about him to the school but they say they can't do anything. My sister phoned social services but they said that because they don't know who he is they can't do anything, they advised my sister to phone the police. She did this but they said they can't do anything either because he hasn't commited a crime, although they did say they would keep their eyes out.
So nothing has been done, this was months ago and he's still doing it. Showing threatening behaviour to children and adults alike. He maybe just needs a support worker or some kind of help. I can see it turning nasty, that someone will hit him for for threatening their child or he will lash out himself. He is intimidating and becoming a real problem for us mums and dads going to school.
Any suggestions anyone?
Kez x

11-09-13, 10:36
Actually if he has been telling people to eff off you may find that is a reportable crime...

It's a really difficult situation. I had a similar one - a man who just came out and stared longingly at the kids as they went past. As far as I know he never DID anything but it felt very unsafe for them and him.

Maybe think laterally. If he is in a council house, talk to the Housing Department and ask if he needs some support. Try children's charities and ask if they can signppost you to the right place. Keep it all very very friendly and conciliatory, putting across that you feel for him and know he has problems but that a lot of people are being affected...

Gill x

11-09-13, 16:18
It's a very frustrating situation. The man clearly needs help, but isn't going about it in a way that's going to result in much sympathy. He doesn't need to be arrested, but he does need someone to spend a little time with him and suggest he stay indoors at this time of day. But if he is swearing at children, waving his fist at children, and making children and adults feel threatened, he may be committing an offence.

It may be happening off school grounds, but the school really should be concerned with parents' and children's safety on the way to school. I'm surprised they're not interested in helping to resolve this. Perhaps you could ask the school to back you in reporting concerns about this man to the appropriate authority.

11-09-13, 18:35
Hi guys, thanks for that. I actually discussed this with my own MH worker today and she suggested to try the school again, I'm also thinking of putting it in writing. I also thought of speaking to some of the other mums, see if they can suggest or help with anything. My sister is defo on board.
Hmm yes, I would agree that threatening behaviour is certainly a criminal offence, may try the police again, if the school can back this up, it would be great. Thanks again guys, will up date if there are any developments

Kez x