View Full Version : ear pain/fibro?

11-09-13, 10:56
I had an ear infection in Jan this year. It took the docs 6 months to give me antibiotic tablets for it. the spray did not work. However I ahve been left with a stinging burning pain -now in both ears-which is far worse when i have laid on them. Was sent to ENT but just got a hearing test-told normal and only looked in with same thing as Gp used. Told fluid behind drum and pieces of dry skin in it. Given anti fungal ear drops-still using them 3 weeks later.I do have fibromyalgia symptoms tho doc never bothers about these. It has got worse tho since meno. Top back hurts like a bruise plus now told sacro iliac joint prob causing me pain in hip/buttock area. Again feels like a bruise when not paining even. Tender spot on head and sharp stabbing shooting pains in head. t is driving me nuts! I worry that is is something worse. Get occ sore throat but even tho one tonsil enlarged a bit told its ok!Anyone else have anything like this!? ENT thought ear pain maybe nerve pain. Tho that didn't explain the infection! Getting panic attacks again now cos of all the worry.