View Full Version : Freaking out about passing out!

11-09-13, 14:27
I have a massive fear of passing out because it has never happened to me and I worry that if it does that'll be it i'll be dead and never wake up. Everytime I get a headache or tiredness or any kind of head related feeling I'm convinced it's a brain tumor! I also worry that because i'm so stressed at work that it's a stress related aneurism or stroke coming....


For instance i'm at work at the moment and I stood upp to get the phone and got a head rush and it's triggered an anxiety attack....this needs to stop!


12-09-13, 00:18
I have the same worries, but I assure you it's just an anxious thought and nothing more sinister! I've been having these symptoms since the beginning of last year and I haven't passed out once, so clearly it's nothing more than a scary thought.