View Full Version : my neck and back are in agony

11-09-13, 16:49
OMG my neck pain/stiffness has been bad the last two days and now the pain is spreading down my spine and shoulder blade also hurts.

im worried ive got spinal tumours or something. this is so painful, painkillers not even touching it.

can't believe all the doctor did is tell me try pilates! no more investigations.

absolutely disgusting treatment. this is no quality of life for a 28 yr old.

i am going to book osteopath/chiropractor next week at my own expense (£50!!) but dont hold much hope.

It's funny, I have anti depressants, diazapam, counselling next week, chiropractor - when all i probably need is an oncologist!!!

11-09-13, 16:50
Hi Darren - have you had scans or x-rays done to see what the problem is? xx

11-09-13, 16:55
My doctor attributed my neck pain to swollen glands.

I was therefore sent to a haematologist and had full body CT scan which found nothing.

Im convinced ive just been sent to the wrong department and wrong tests - im not sure my glands have anything to do with all this pain!

11-09-13, 17:46
Why don't you ask for referral to physio - I think someone else suggested this previously as well

13-09-13, 15:55
I think they will say no but i will ask next time.

I am deffo seeing chriopractor/osteopath next week

13-09-13, 16:10
I'm sure you can self refer to hospital physio on nhs

13-09-13, 17:16
We can self-refer as well so ask about that at the surgery reception

13-09-13, 21:05
thanks I didn't know that

13-09-13, 21:55
I wouldn't go anywhere near an osteopath or chiro before you've seen a physio. I made a huge mistake doing this and still have the back pain to prove it.

Osteos and Chiros have an element of hocus pocus to them which makes me steer well clear. Don't get me wrong I'm sure they've helped some people (I went to an osteo first based on a recommendation), but a physio is by far your best bet in my humble opinion.