View Full Version : hello

11-09-13, 17:01
I am Ryan 31 years old been dealing with crippling health anxiety for the last 8 months after losing my grandmother and father in law in a period of four months. trying my best to overcome this finally decided about a month ago that i cant do this on my own (even though i have a super support system in my wife and family) and started therapy and most recently started taking lexapro in hopes of an even quicker recovery.

11-09-13, 17:08
:welcome:theres lots of help and support here

11-09-13, 17:31
I have health anxiety too and know how debilitating it can be, talking with people on here makes you realize your not the only one at least you have a good support net work around you.

11-09-13, 21:43
Hi, and welcome.


12-09-13, 08:27
hey all i am also new here. and my name is sam

12-09-13, 08:41
Hello Sam I hope this site helps you x

12-09-13, 09:05
Hi all & welcome :)

This forum has been a great help to me & I hope it can do the same for you. It nice to talk to people that have been through or are going through the same as you. If you need to chat please do not hesitate to PM me :) happy to help.

HB xx