View Full Version : Major panic mode right now! Help!

11-09-13, 17:37
Was eating crackers just now on the kitchen top.

My mum turned round to me and said that she hadn't cleaned the top from just now preparing ground beef minced into meatballs.

I am suddenly in panic mode, t was entirely raw has hadn't been cooked and even though I didn't ingest any purposely, the raw juices were still on the surface.

Will I get food poisoning???

11-09-13, 17:48
Hi girlafraid

It sounds like you have had a little shock with that. I don't think you will get any food poisoning my old local butcher used to eat raw beef on a daily bases just to show how fresh it was (I would not try it) but he was fine and was in the trade for 60 years.

I don't really thing you would have digested that much if any, you may feel a little sick but that will mainly be because your focusing on it to much.

Just try to relax and take your mind of it and drink some water and see how you go..

11-09-13, 17:54
I agree, its just a fright. Meat is different to chicken and can even be eaten raw..

11-09-13, 18:00
I would think there is next to no chance of getting ill from this. Unless the cracker was soaking in blood from the meat I am sure you are safe. Even if you were to get ill, it would be mild food poisoning. If you do/are feeling sick it's more likely just the thought of it all rather than a result of eating crackers off a worktop where meat has been. I have done stuff like this loads of time - like cutting up chicken then forgetting and using the knife for something else. Not been ill yet.