View Full Version : Muscle strain ?

24-10-06, 17:03
Hi all,

I posted recently regarding pain i'd been getting in my right lower abdomen and fear that it may be appendicitis. After visiting the doc again last week, he diagnosed a pelvic strain and identified that the pain was actually coming from my hip and not my appendix.
I'm worried because the pain has not really gone...well it went for a few days but now is back again. How long should i expect a strain to take to heal? I don't even remember doing anything to strain it and i wouldn't have thought that the pain would go away then come back??I'm starting to wonder if he's missed something! :( Though having said that, i've been having the pain on and off for nearly three weeks now...i think appendicitis would have landed me in hospital by now...?

Thanks everyone,



"Instead of seeing the rug being pulled from under us, we could learn to dance on a moving carpet." - Anon

piglits pal
24-10-06, 17:05
I strained a muscle in my knee once and was told possibly 6-8 weeks for full recovery.

24-10-06, 19:30
I agree, it can take months for the pain from a strained muscle to go away. And the pain actually does sort of come and go, depending on how much you use the muscle, in what way you use it and so on.
I've had surgery for appendictis, and it feels nothing like what you are describing.
I am sure your doctor is right and that you have nothing to worry about.
Take care.

"You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."

25-10-06, 17:10
Thanks for the replies guys...I wish i could shake this fear of appendicitis...it's becoming an obsession i think! [:P] I've now started getting pain in the left hip as well as the right one...i wonder if it could be something so simple as a posture issue...? I've been spending too much time sitting in a rather uncomfortable chair, which forces me to hunch forward and causes pain in the back of my legs..this may explain it?

CW x

"Instead of seeing the rug being pulled from under us, we could learn to dance on a moving carpet." - Anon