View Full Version : weather dependant mood

11-09-13, 19:12
A quick search for this revealed surprisingly little, (just realised I should have searched s.a.d!) I wonder how many others are being 'currently' effected significantly by the weather, I dislike this time of year for that reason, its mainly the change in light, made worse as we have had a good summer, the bleakness outside is having a big effect on my mood at present.

11-09-13, 19:14
Me too, I have been feeling great but as soon as the weather has changed...so has my mood! I need to get my SAD light out of the loft.

11-09-13, 20:24
I'm the same but in reverse. During the summer I barely leave the house and wait until late at night to go out so I get very little exercise, however as soon as the temperature starts to drop and the nights draw in I'm out walking and on my bike. Bring on the snow!

12-09-13, 07:44
I love the sun & I love rainy, windy, snowy days but I hate the fact it's getting darker when I get up & the nights are coming in really quick! I feel lazier at either end of the day & don't feel like going out. I'd love to hibernate at this time of year but unfortunately it isn't an option! Oh well - time to get up! Blurghhh! xx

12-09-13, 08:25
I'm the same as all of you not much more to add really no energy tired all the time get up feeling horrible and don't want to do anything not good x

NE21 worrier
12-09-13, 08:32
Yep, noticed a downward change in energy patterns at the moment as the days get shorter. I like the different seasons but hate the lack of light. I need to buy one of those SAD lights, I think.

Even my mum (who does not have anxiety afaik) says she has less motivation in the winter than the summer, though.

12-09-13, 08:37
Yes I've never had it before this year will have to get one of them lights I think before the mornings and nights get even darker or move to a nice hot sunny country lol x

12-09-13, 20:20
I'm the same but in reverse. During the summer I barely leave the house and wait until late at night to go out so I get very little exercise, however as soon as the temperature starts to drop and the nights draw in I'm out walking and on my bike. Bring on the snow!

Me too I love wet, cold and dark nights soooo cosy.
I'm always painfully self conscious on the Summer so always dread it anyway.

12-09-13, 23:40
It instantly affects me. I come from a very hot and sunny climate so the London weather is a real drag for me. As soon as it got gray and cloudy, I could barely get out of bed and I feel exhausted all day. It's the worst.