View Full Version : Need a bit of reassurance

11-09-13, 19:31
Been suffering from anxiety for a while now and recently been getting a tingly numbness on my head at the top and back that comes in waves. Wondering if this is regular symptom?

Im a bit scared and I think its probably anxiety related but my stupid anxiety brain is telling me my head will explode and il drop dead. Please help

11-09-13, 20:08
You can get a lot of weird symptoms with anxiety and they seem very bad for you personally but your body copes very well.

Try not to worry, it will pass. You might want to try taking some garlic capsules as the tingling might be caused by Candida and garlic will help that.

I'm a big believer anxiety having a physical cause. My own anxiety was cured by following a gluten free diet. Go to your GP and ask for a coeliac test. Do you eat a lot of wheat based products?

If you your head is going to explode and you are to die, try not to make too much of a mess. LOL (Joke to try and lift your mood)

I had anxiety and some very weird symptoms over 35 years and I'm still here to tell the tale.

It will pass

11-09-13, 23:15
Thanks. il try that. So scared

11-09-13, 23:18
I've been getting this for the last week or so. For me it's like a cold chill and sometimes a warm feeling. I've been feeling really on edge lately. Like I can't stop thinking (bad thoughts). I don't know if I'm starting to respond badly to the medication I'm on (citalopram) or what. I also get a weird sensation in my tongue / mouth which I can't really explain.

12-09-13, 00:53
Exactly the same. Its freaking me out. Apparently it can be a symptom of GAD

12-09-13, 01:48
I have had the same as you and remember the feeling well! It was caused by anxiety. I was terrified. I don't have it now and it will pass maybe a visit to your Doctor will help.
I hope you feel better soon, its just horrible X

12-09-13, 13:16
Thanks guys. This really helps

12-09-13, 13:43
Frazzle, I sometimes get pain and tinging on the top of my head and I read that this is usually down to muscle tension in the neck! Which makes sense because as anxiety sufferers muscle tension will be something that we experience with stress.

Some relaxation exercises might help you. I've been using some progressive relaxation videos on Youtube before I go to sleep at night, really helps relax the body :)

little scientist
12-09-13, 15:28
Frazzle I get the tingly feeling too - usually during periods of intense stress and anxiety. Kind of like someone has cracked an egg over your head and its running down!

12-09-13, 20:50
You and me both they come for no apparent reason kinda like someone is watching me and then it last like 5 seconds and then it is gone!

12-09-13, 21:56
So glad its not just me. Thanks so much guys