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View Full Version : Chest tightness for a few seconds, quite often

Anxiety Jim
11-09-13, 19:56

For the last few days I've been getting sudden tight pain in my chest it lasts maybe 1 - 5 seconds. It's very painful, and makes me look like an idiot when I suddenly flinch.

I googled it and the top results were anxiety, which was a surprise as I was expecting heart attack.

Does anyone know what this is called?

I've probably had more specific fears than everyone else on hear put together. At the moment my thoughts are jumping from heart attack to MS, oh and bone cancer because I have a sudden extra bone lump one of my fingers.


11-09-13, 20:15
I get chest tightening its very uncomfortable I no how you feel and the other problems you got all sound like anxiety ,you can get alsorts of weird symptoms hope you feel abit better :)