View Full Version : Chest pain is a pain!!!!

24-10-06, 17:18
Hi, I'm Ju & i'm getting rather fed up with Doctors not taking me seriously.

I have apparently been having panic attacks since last Xmas, they sound the same as what i have been reading but,

i have a constant tightness in the middle of my chect & it hurts, it doesn't go away ever. It is that depressing now that i have to ask for some help from anyone out there as the Doctors will just not help.

I have not been to work this week as i feel that i cannot breathe, i can of course & i know this but it hurts & it is now so annoying that i would rather take sleeping tablets every day & sleep all day so i don't have to put up with this pain.

I have tried exercise, different movements & breathing exercises, you name it i've tried it, but hte paid is now to much, i have no life now so i really don't see the point.

I am now on anti depressants & Propanalol, neither of which are doing anything to help.

Does anyone now of anything that can get rid of this pain?

Please help as i am losing the will to live!

Thank you


24-10-06, 17:28
Have you tried massage and relaxation, even though relaxing is hard when we are anxious I find it is one of the best ways to release tension in your muscles.
A nice warm bath with lavender oil and a candle burning always helps me.
Hope this helps.
By the way welcome to the forum, you'll get loads of help and support here.

Take care

Elaine x

24-10-06, 19:13
Hi Ju

A BIG warm welcome to you lovely to see you here, im sure you will get lots of good advice here and make new friends on the way.



24-10-06, 19:19
Ive had the same symptoms
Its the chest musles tightening due to the panic symptoms, if you try to breath from your stomach rather that your chest it helps a great deal


24-10-06, 19:53
Hi Ju, welcome to the forum, you will get lots of help, I suffered very similar symptoms and I was convinced I had a heart problem, so much so I ended up in casualty for the first time in my life!
I could not believe it was panic, I even had a 24hr heart recording which showed my heart was too fast but was beating strongly and rhythimacally(cant spell that!), anyway to cut a long story short I accepted it, very difficult and not sure how I did it, just seemed to become part of everyday living and was the norm, I dont notice it much now, but on occassions I do,it is still there, I did lots of relaxation tapes, breathing etc which Im convinced helped, hope you find some good answers, stay strong,x


24-10-06, 21:41
Hi Ju

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help to you and you will meet some lovely people on here.

The chest pain is the muscles being so constricted and tight. read this on the webiste....

Common Symptoms of Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Phobias and OCD. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms)

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


24-10-06, 22:46
Hi Ju,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

24-10-06, 22:52
Hi Ju and welcome. I think Anxiety is causing your symptoms.you will get some helpfull advise on here.
take care;)

Ellen XX

25-10-06, 09:43
Ju, hi.

Sounds similar to my problem.

See my welcome note in "intoduce yourself"


25-10-06, 12:14
hi ju, welcome to nomorepanic. i hope you find this site as a good help to you


Ma Larkin
25-10-06, 13:01
Hi Ju, sounds like what I suffer from. When you are anxious or panicky your muscles contract, and you use more than you normally would. Imagine it like running a marathon, a couple of days later your legs ache like hell, it's the same with anxiety. I suffer from it all the time, it's my worst symptom. I went to the hospital and they prescribed me Kapake tablets which are for muscular skeletal problems, they are really good and give you a sleepy effect so I manage to get a few hours sleep. Kapake are only available on prescription so failing that anything with co-codamol in it.

Hope you find a solution soon.


26-10-06, 14:39
Hey Ju, this was the cause of all my problems, I can remember having the feeling when playing football one evening and because I was being active I thought, crap, it's my heart and became very dizzy and sick with fear. I kept it to myself convinced I had a heart problem then ended up in A&E after driving one day, I had to pull the car over and walk to the hospital for over 1 hr. I had a full ECG and since have had my doctor check my heart every visit which is normally once a month. I am still convinced there is something wrong with my heart and that i'm not being taken seriously. However that I believe is my paranoid little mind trying to get the better of me which I am fighting every day!

26-10-06, 15:10
Hi JU i know how you feel, I have had the same problems as you over the last 18 months. At first my doctor would not take me serious, until he finally came out to see me. Then from there I was put on Propananol, which I took for 2 weeks and that stopped, because I found they were not helping me. After I came of those, my doctor tried me on other Anti-Depressiants, but again nothing seemed to work. By this point I felt like giving up, I felt lifeless and Suicidile. Thankfully I fought my way through the barriers. After a year had pasted I gave up on my Doctor, as he was so useless, and I changed my doctor, to one closer to my home. From then I finally had blood test done and my doctor has confirmed that I just have a mental problem. He says its all down to my trumatic child-hood, but I could have Coeliacs Disease. With this doctor being helpful, he has lifted me a little and I can now say I have made progress, where I can step out my front door and walk 10 minutes down the street unaided.
What im trying to tell you, is not to give up on hope, there is a right path out there that one day you will find, it does take time.
