View Full Version : Fear of working out!

11-09-13, 22:28
hi guys,

basically im just wondering if anyone else has this, i am very over weight and i keep trying diet after diet after diet, the one i am on now seems to be working really well and i can stick to it just fine :) however...i keep being told i need to work out! weights, jogging, biking etc...thing is, im absolutely terrified that because im overweight and always have strange feeling in my chest that i assume is from IBS and or acid indigestion, and also having heart palpitations that i assume is from the amount of fatty foods i have eaten over the last few years crossed with anxiety, that i will have a heart attack / cardiac arrest when working out! i have never been told i have an issue with my heart after many ECG/EKG's (taken obviously because of panic attacks) they have always come out sort of okay accept for the obvious signs of panic and anxiety. i use to love playing football as a teen infact very nearly made it pro, and also i use to go to the gym a few times a week without even thinking about my health....but this just wont shift from my mind! any suggestions, experience?

Skye Winter
12-09-13, 12:45
Oh my God! I get this exact same fear!
I'm 20 years old and had always been quite active as a child, but since one night I got really bad palpitations and was told over the phone by an NHS nurse that I was having a heart attack, I have this horrific fear that my heart is going to give up on me! I wasn't having a heart attack at all, the nurse overreacted. It was just palpitations from a sudden rise in body temperature caused by a fever. Since that night 3 years ago I have not been able to exercise because when I exercise, I get palpitations, when I get palpitations, I panic.. All because of what that stupid nurse told me :doh:

I've had multiple ECG/EKGs and they've all came back 100% normal, so I have no idea why but I still panic! :huh:

The best advice I can give is to trust the doctors that took your ECGs and believe them when they say you're fine! I know it's hard to convince yourself when you have all of these symptoms going on but you have to realise that these people are professionals and if there was a problem then they definitely would have picked it up on the ECGs that you have had.

I hope you feel better soon and I'm always here if you need to chat.


- Skye xx

12-09-13, 14:36
Just get out there and do it. However uncomfortable it feels.

Seriously. It's the only way to get back to how you once were.