View Full Version : Really bad headache please help

12-09-13, 01:56
I was just about to go bed, and i started getting really bad constant pain on the right side of my head, but towards the topish area, its really freaking me out.. all day ive been getting on and off pain there but nothing to this extent it actually feels like its bleeding or something inside is moving..
Someone please help me, i'm home alone too. my head from that area has started to feel numb

12-09-13, 02:04
I thought I'd reply to you I've had abit of stressful night with a family member she run her partner over so we went to help her out and around 30 minutes ago on my way back home I had a sharp pain in my head right hand side then started feeling all funny like trickling inside bit painful I started talking to myself saying your ok your ok but now I have a pressure feeling my headache feels hot ( if that makes sence ) and the right side of my head and face have gone right and numb

12-09-13, 02:10
Hi sorry to here about your night, the pain has slightly eased off now, but it was constant before, for about a good 5 minutes ( i know thats not long ) oh constant sharp pain..what makes it worse its middle of the night and i'm sleeping alone too.
The pain only got severe now though, but today it had been bothereing me for a couple of seconds here and there, does this seem like a normal headache? migraine?

12-09-13, 02:19
Yes it does sound very much like a migraine attack my auntie suffers with those have a little read up on migraine and that's all nothing else just migraine there's a number you can call migraine help line uk they will you and tell u if it is or not x

12-09-13, 02:26
Thanks but I dont think i want to do anymore reading because it'll lead to other things..
could it just be a small migraine? or are they all constant all day?
my right ear and face has got hot now.. and my head still feels weird.. like slightly numb with a bit of pain on the top right side

its now changed into right sided head pressure and partially blocked right ear..

12-09-13, 09:14
Migraine attacks can last for days when my auntie has them her face droops down and her her goes funny she's eithe in bed for days on end or is on the sofa for days migraines can be deliberating I rang the help line earlier this year when I thought I had a brain tumour my head hurt so bad x

12-09-13, 09:31
RVP, not seen you on here for a while since very recently - did you have a period where your health anxiety diminished?

12-09-13, 09:34
Yeah for most of the time my HA is under control, but I'll still get the odd panic attack now and then, like last night.

12-09-13, 09:42
Try to accept them and reassure yourself rather than looking to the internet for reassurance. Believe me it helps in the long term.

12-09-13, 09:51
I know what you mean, but like everyone else i always fear the worst outcome, like right now my heads been hurting since last night, i managed to get to sleep but this morning its still hurting on and off, and when it does hurt the pain is quite severe.
Ive convinced myself its a brain anuerysm now..

12-09-13, 23:20
if it was a brain aneurysm would i have known about it by now? the pain is still there but no intense sharp stabbing pains that i was getting yesterday and earlier today.

13-09-13, 02:00
Yes you would if known about it you would of been in hospital I've had the same alday today and I'm not just saying it I have it as I type x