View Full Version : Hi all

24-10-06, 17:33
Just wanted, like so many others to say hi!

I started to suffer anxiety really bad at the beginning of the year and had to have a course of seroxate, but after 4 months I felt great and came off them. Now, I think I am on another fast descent into anxiety airport again.

My main problem is health anxiety, working as a nurse didn't help and then losing two grandads within 18 days sealed the deal.

Recently I have really worried about my wife, although she is fine. Everything from standard checks for lumps and intimate 3 yearly female checks really freak me out. Last Thursday she came home to say she had booked a smear and I internally lost it and went into major panic mode. Since then I have felt terrible with dizziness, hot flushes, lightheadedness and tiredness. It was as if something snapped and now I am exhausted.

Any suggestions? I was thinking of going back onto medication.

Anyway that's me, look forward to hearing off you all.

24-10-06, 17:36
Hi Nat

Welcome aboard mate.
Maybe medication is a good option as it worked once before, the symptoms you mention are all classic symptoms of anxiety which I am sure you know.
I am a qualified nurse but haven't practised since having the children, I think a little knowledge makes you scrutinise everything ten timrs more doesn't it.
Hope this helps
Take care

Elaine x

24-10-06, 17:41
Wish I never went into nursing and glad I left! I have returned to my first love which is aviation. I can't believe I left the airline industry to go into nursing, it really ruined my life.

One question though, even though the initial attack was last Thursday and I feel calmer now, can the symptoms as listed before still last?

Or, because the attack was so bad and such a shock, do the symptoms last for a while?

Just not sure.

24-10-06, 18:17
hi nat, i'm new to the forum too. being anxious is exhausting. i have triggers like you and i cant even bring myself to book smears etc cos i'm scared they'll find something

24-10-06, 18:19
found it hard to make a will too, thought i'd definitely die immediately if i did that

24-10-06, 18:27
I just wish I could book things to, I used to be an active blood donor, but recently I just can't bring myself to go incase they find something in the blood tests. But because of this I am not helping others and it really upsets me. All because of this!

24-10-06, 19:18
hi nat welcome to the forum.you,re story is sooo much like mine!!!!
it helps that you are not alone.
take care
rachel x

24-10-06, 20:08
Thanks Rachel!

24-10-06, 21:40
Hi Nat

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help to you and you will meet some lovely people on here.

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


24-10-06, 22:51

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

24-10-06, 22:54
Hi Nat welcome to the forum.You will get some great advise here and make lots of friends.;)
Take care

Ellen XX

25-10-06, 08:09
Hi Nat,

A big warm welcome to you. I too suffer from health anxiety.

Take Care
