View Full Version : My Experience With The Police, Psych Ward And Overdose

12-09-13, 08:37
Everyone on the Forum knows that I suffered a nine day Manic episode that saw me cause a lot of destruction. My partner in particular suffered from this Mania because he couldn't keep up with my racing thoughts and ideas. I've already explained in other threads what I did, but I excluded the part where I ran down an escalator and through the Sword's Pavilion shopping center because I thought a man was following me and trying to hurt me. This annoyed Mark because I didn't tell him what was going on and why I was running. This happened in the middle of the episode and it didn't end there. People on the forum know the rest. I went with an hours sleep for nine days and was full of energy.

I went to Dr. Arab with Markus nearly two weeks ago in a very agitated state and couldn't sit still. I was having hot flushes, very thirsty and babbling incoherently. He asked me to go out to get a glass of water from Jessica, and while I was gone he wrote a letter for me to be seen urgently by a Psych Doctor. They told me it was just a letter for the Doctor on call to give me a Diazepam injection and I opened the letter in the car and all hell broke loose. I accused the two of them of conspiring against me to have me locked up. I refused to go to A&E and Mark and myself didn't talk for hours. I was too busy buzzing around the p[lace with my energy and ideas.

Two days went on, I barely slept, I wanted to bake cakes, soup, dinner and dessert all at once and Mark had enough. He practically dragged me into the car to A&E and told me to call him when I had seen the Psych. I had the usual. Bloods, urine and then Xanax to relax me a bit. It didn't bring me down. I focused on a security guard and found him sexually attractive and asked him when he was going to Marry me and run away with me. I waited in agitation for two hours and then walked out. I called Mark and told him that the Doctors saw me fit enough to go home. We spoke nothing more about it.

That evening I was paraniod. I had to make sure all the blinds and doors were shut. I went to bed with Mark and just before midnight the police banged down the door. They told me to pack a bag, that I was going to hospital with them. When I packed my bag they led me into the police car where they were two other policemen and drove me to the Connolly and straight down to the ash ward. I got very agitated and began kicking the door down so they gave me a mixture of Diazepam, Zimovane and Tamazepam to relax me. I was shown to my room and I just sat there all night staring at the walls.

The following day I was called to a meeting with Dr. Natasha and I begged her to get me out of the place, that the other very ill patients were driving me crazy with their gibberish talking and pacing the floors. Dr.. Natasha agreed that a hospital wasn;t the place for me. I was discharged Monday on the condition that I attend a meeting with both her and Dr. Kirrane this morning at 10.30am. It didn't end there.

I crashed down when I left the hospital and went into a deep depression (It always happens when I come down from mania) and became suicidal. I kept this from Markus and tried to act normal around him. When he went to bed on Tuesday night I swallowed 10 Tylex and 14 Zimovane. I became very drugged and was losing consciousness and fell on the stairs. Markus woke up and called for an ambulance and I was brought to the A&E and given two pints of Charcoal to sock up the pills. I began to feel better, although a little rough and sick from the overdose. They arranged for me to see the on call Psych Doc, but I refused and called Mark to come an collect me.

Since then I'm having my ups and down, mostly down, but I'm due for the meeting this morning and my Mood Stabilizer and I'm hoping I pick up.

12-09-13, 14:37
Sent you a pm

12-09-13, 14:46
wow sounds very scary I don't know how I would cope if I had the police nocking at my door I hope you get the help you need to get you to a better place

its after 10:30 now so im assuming you've had your appointment even if it was late like they always seem to be and hopefully you will have some answers good luck
frosty xxx

12-09-13, 21:27
Thanks Frosty.

Things seemed to have settled down. I was rapid cycling for a while these last few days, but thanks to my Doctors I am now doing fine.

13-09-13, 01:47
Wow. I think if the doctors had handled it better/ treated you better you could have gotten the help you needed much sooner.

To be in a paranoid state and for the doctor to lie about the letter! I can underhand why you freaked out! I get mildly paranoid myself when I'm panicking.

I think you should have been somewhere safe. Considering you tend to crash afterwards. I don't think the doctor should have let you go home considering your mental state. But i understand you not wanting to be in that hospital. They didn't seem to do much to help you :(.

Why are you refusing help? I think you need way more help than what you're getting.

Anyways I'm glad you're ok, sounds like you had a lot to deal with.

13-09-13, 10:02
Wow. I think if the doctors had handled it better/ treated you better you could have gotten the help you needed much sooner.

To be in a paranoid state and for the doctor to lie about the letter! I can underhand why you freaked out! I get mildly paranoid myself when I'm panicking.

I think you should have been somewhere safe. Considering you tend to crash afterwards. I don't think the doctor should have let you go home considering your mental state. But i understand you not wanting to be in that hospital. They didn't seem to do much to help you :(.

Why are you refusing help? I think you need way more help than what you're getting.

Anyways I'm glad you're ok, sounds like you had a lot to deal with.

I just don't know what to do. A few members have suggested that I am better off in the hospital for now until my moods stabilize, but I'm getting better. I was very ill, but I'm recovering and doing what the Psych Doctor says. It was a bad episode.

I should have seen the Psychiatrist the night I overdosed, I admit that, but I was all over the place.

Thank you for the reply.