View Full Version : I'm new here and I want my life back!

12-09-13, 08:57
Hi Im a mum of 2 beautiful girls and I have a wonderful husband. Everything I want really but in december i was put on a concoction on tramadol, doxicycline and naproxine for a bad jaw infection. I woke up during the night in a real panic convinced I was having a heart attack. Ambulanced through to hospital, ecg, xray , etc. After staying there overnight they put it down to anxiety caused by the tramadol.
I had problems going to sleep after that and went to my gp. I was put on propranalol and diazepam to help me fall asleep.
I seemed to get over it but keep having reslly bad anxiety attacks about everything now.
Im constsntly convinced something really bad is sbout to happen to me but I dont know what to do.
I just want my old life back. I hate these headaches, constant chest pains and now I have stsrted panicking when Im out in the car.
Whats happening to me??
I know its anxiety and theres nothing "wrong" but why does it still worry me so much?
My daughter goes for surgery on tuesdsy and im dreading the car journey. I need to be a good mum for my girls but feel so selfish just now.
Please help me

Memphis Belle
12-09-13, 09:19
Im new here too but just wanted to say that I do hope everything goes ok with your daughters op and that you find the strength to get through it.
I know it still involves a car journey but could you not get a taxi or ask someone else to drive? Would that ease some of the pressure you're feeling?

12-09-13, 09:28
Hi, thanks for your reply. The hospital is 3 hours away and although my husband drives, I still panic. Dont understand it as I travelled that same road often (my daughter has lots of hospital appointments and we usually stay in a hotel overnight and have some girly time). Dont understand where this new anxiety about travelling has come from. It seems to be taking over my life.
I have actually made an appointment with my gp for later today as im really worried. I woke up with my right eye lid twitching frantically and it still hasnt stopped. Again probably anxiety but I seem to have no filter on my worrying!!
Im scared about my wee girls operation and I know thats not helping either but this time last year I handled all this and more.
It actually feels like im falling apart

Memphis Belle
12-09-13, 09:35
Probably your meds have not helped... I don't know much about the medications you take but it sounds like they are/have made it worse.
I also suffer from extreme anxiety. For example, we are currently waiting for a moving date for our house but yesterday I got an email saying that they cannot contact our buyers.
See I read that as... your buyers have pulled out and your move is off.

Then I get really stressed, angry and worked up.

You're not falling apart hun, its just your bodies way of dealing with the overload at the moment. You sound like you have a lot on... and with your daughter needing medical attentiin its not easy.
See what the dr says later and try not too worry.
(Easier said than done I know)

12-09-13, 09:50
Thank you so much. Its so much better hearing from someone who understands!!
As for meds, Im not on any at all. Wondering if thats my problem. Im so scared of medication which doesnt help!!
I really hope all goes well with your house move. Im sure it'll work out good. Just try to stay relaxed; if its meant to be it'll happen x

Memphis Belle
12-09-13, 09:59
Youre welcome.
I am on meds (citralopam) and take 30mg a day.
I will most likely be on them for a long long time.... as I don't cope at all with out them.

Let us know how you got on today at the drs.

12-09-13, 17:49
Hi, just back from the docs and as I knew, all my pains and migraines are due to anxiety and lack of sleep (caused by anxiety)!.
Iv been put on propranalol 80mg slow release to have everyday.
Really hope it works. :shrug: