View Full Version : Can you relate to these symptoms?

12-09-13, 09:37
Hi guys,

I have always been prone to HA but in the last few weeks I've experienced the following symptoms (some of them are new to me) :

- shortness of breath - I guess this is caused by the constant tension in my chest, shoulder and throat muscle. Whenever I am not paying attention, they tense and makes it strange to breathe, talk and sometimes drink fluids

- muscle pain and cracking in the back, neck and shoulders

- Every night when I go to sleep, I wake up approx. 1 hour after going to sleep feeling anxious. I am able to get back to sleep fairly easy

- feeling tired after 7 hours of sleep. My energy levels are constantly improving throughout the day but generally I am feeling tired

- I also feel bearable weakness in the legs and arms - There isn't any loss of strength (I am still able to do 40 push-ups) but I feel somewhat weaker and trembly

- Every morning I am waking up with a muscle pain in the lower or middle back, usually on the left

Can anyone relate to these symptoms or at least some of them?

P.S. I have been treated for my condition for 6 months with zoloft. Right now I am 4 months free of medication and I hate going to the doctors. I think I am going to be diagnosed with a horrible disease.

12-09-13, 10:52
I can totally relate to all of them. The shortness of breath and difficulty swallowing is a common symptom of anxiety and also a side effect of some meds. I get a feeling like there is a lump in my throat, which freaks me out, but I know it's the anxiety.

The aches and pains I can identify with too and the lethargy even after a full nights sleep. I also hate going to the doctors. In fact I just did a long post about these very things!

It can help to read through other posts, just to know that you are not alone. Sending hugs :hugs:

22-09-13, 05:16
100% Your symptoms sound ver similar to mine. The mind is incredibly powerful, even when sleeping. Take comfort friend.

Anxious lu
22-09-13, 17:39
At some point during ha I have experienced most if not all of these mostly related to tension I would say.. the back and chest pain used to radiate into my arms and I couldnt sleep also hip and knees used to click alll the time they were so tense.. the waking up anxious thing is horrible too :-( x