View Full Version : Two big fears PLEASE HELP ME!!!

12-09-13, 14:52
Please help I am really suffering right now with my two biggest fears. I am terrified that I am either going to suddenly stop breathing or that my heart is going to suddenly stop can this happen I am really freaking out guys

12-09-13, 14:56
Well of course it could happen but it is highly unlikely to be honest.

Why do you think this could happen to you?

12-09-13, 16:10
i know it sounds stupid but i just have a feeling that it is. i have constant all day chest pain my doc has given me an ekg and a 24 hour holter and the thing that came up was an enlarged heart, being someone with health anxiety i googled it and its terrifying :weep::weep::weep:

12-09-13, 16:22
I know all about health anxiety Scrumking, I suffer with it myself.

What did your doctor say when you got your results? If he thought it was a problem surely you would be on medication or refered to a specialist.

12-09-13, 17:31
My doc said he "wasn't concerned" about the heart enlargement because its normal in people with sleep apnea like me but I'm sorry I am freaked out by it I have this huge fear that I am gonna drop dead of a heart attack at 31 years old

12-09-13, 18:23
Please try not to worry too much (easier said than done) but the more anxious you get the more physical symptoms you'll have and that just adds to your worry.

I ended up in the emergency room one night thinking I was having a heart attack (tight chest, heart racing) and ECG completely normal, turns out it was an anxiety attack.

I'm now on a drug called Citalopram used to treat depression but also anxiety and it hasn't been an easy time but maybe you should tell your Dr how you feel and do it soon before it gets out of hand. The sooner you do something about your anxieties (because that's what it is) the easier it will be to feel better.

Believe me do not leave this to get bigger & bigger in your mind.

Good luck from someone who knows how you feel


12-09-13, 18:29
I a on day 6 of an antidepressant right now thanks for ur thoughts it helps to know I am not alone

12-09-13, 18:30
Frank Lampard has an enlarged heart. He's a professional footballer: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/c/chelsea/4378538.stm

12-09-13, 18:47
Stick with the anti depressents, they don't work straight away, can take a couple of months. This anxiety will have taken along time to manifest itself so it will take a while to feel better.

Depending on what type you're on they can make you feel worse before you get better and that's normal so don't worry. If you're only on day 6 that could be why you're feeling so bad at the moment.

Stick with them, don't give in, that's a mistake a lot of people make giving up after a couple of weeks cos they don't feel any different or they feel worse.

Not an easy road but worth it in the end.

12-09-13, 18:57
i am sticking with it i am on cipralex which is lexapro as far as i know i had alot of anxiety about starting the meds just because of side effects I do feel like it has increased my anxiety and i have even had a couple panic attacks in the last six days but i am going to keep on them this heightened anxiety cant last forever on this med can it?

12-09-13, 19:17
No it won't last forever but the adrenalin coursing through your system can make you feel pretty rough. The best way to get rid of the excess adrenalin is to do some exercise as that uses it up. Probably not what you want to do right now but even running up and down the stairs a couple of times can help.

I felt quite nauseous on my pills (still do a bit & I'm 7 weeks in) try not to get fixated on the side effects cos that just adds to it. My doctor kept telling me I must eat which is difficult when you feel so sick and then I got really panicky about not wanting to eat and it was a vicious circle. I found apples really good for nausea.

The heightened anxiety was actually the first thing to subside for me but my mood can still be low at times.

This site really helped me, I kept reading everyones posts long before I actually registered myself. Seems like there's always someone on here willing to listen.

Chin up hunny.