View Full Version : Memories of previous panic attacks

24-10-06, 20:04

I haven't had a panic attack in a few months now (woah go me!) and just recently on MSN I was talking to someone and I had a sudden flash back on the last attack I had but during the night. It was nasty, I couldn't walk, talk, breath or hold anything .... was a nasty flash back!

Do you lot get random flash backs of Panic Attacks that make you feel ... well a bit ill. And when you do how do you feel?

AKA Scooter Girl

24-10-06, 22:06
yeah I do sometimes, its horrible BUT if you flip it to a positive I know im getting better, and that it wasnt happening all the time again! I remeber feeling like that all day everyday and I appreciate now that I have good days. xxxxxxxxxx:D

24-10-06, 23:05
I do sometimes, especially my last one and my very first one.the first one was over 10 years ago and its like it happened yesterday.:(

Ellen XX

25-10-06, 09:58
I get the same sensations when I think about the violence that I witnessed in my previous job at a college.

It just brings back all of the horrible feelings.

Kate x

"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

26-10-06, 14:40
Without doubt, it's memories of previous attacks that can cause relapse or setbacks.

I try not to dwell on them when they happen - just pass them on by.

***And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance... I hope you dance***

26-10-06, 20:29
My first anxiety attack started in a movie theatre, and I went to see another movie last Sunday. As soon as I walked into the building, the smell of the popcorn brought the extreme fear back into me. During the previews I had to go to the restroom to "escape". But I sat back down before the movie even started and finished watching it. Just thinking about my first attack starts another one. I actually believed I was dying while laying on the stretcher in the emergency room waiting for the doctor to come in. I went home and slept even though it was only 6:00 pm. I have some pretty bad flashbacks every now-and-then too. The flashbacks are bad enough, I can't imagine what military veterans go through with post-traumatic stress.

26-10-06, 20:57
Hey Jadey

I get flash backs all the time - i feel so uncomfortable in certain places too as i feel i go through it all over again.

You aren't alone there!