View Full Version : Allergic to mosquito bites - worrying about a bite I got yesterday :(

12-09-13, 20:01
Hi everyone,

I was bit by a mosquito yesterday. This happens often around this time of year and I'm used to it itching like hell and swelling a bit because I'm allergic. Anyways, today this one seems to have swollen up more than usual, my entire upper arm is pretty swollen, red, so so so itchy and heat is radiating off of it. It doesn't look infected and I'm feeling completely fine, just a bit worried.

I've been putting anthisan cream on it and this antiseptic cream called 'pawpaw'. It's not doing anything and I can't stop the itching, it's really annoying me :(

I'm just really worried it's something bad. Does anyone have any advice?

12-09-13, 21:10
I should imagine that it's a nasty reaction to the bite hun.

As your arm is so swollen I think that it would be best if you ring your surgery in the morning and ask to see a doctor or nurse and have them just check it for you hun :)

12-09-13, 21:17
Hmm I'm not sure though, as I've been having reactions to them all my life. If I do ring up I won't get an appointment for days anyway :(

I will probably see how it is in the morning, and then ring up if it's worse or hasn't got any better :)

Thanks for your reply.

12-09-13, 22:24
This always happens to me too and I find one Piriton tablet really does help. My doc told me to use the full strength version (which I was scared to take because of my AD meds) but it was fine, really helped but did make me a little tired.

If you are worried go see the doctor. I feel for you as I know how uncomfortable, hot, swollen and itchy they can be.

I hope you feel better soon, Kitti :)

12-09-13, 22:51
This always happens to me too and I find one Piriton tablet really does help. My doc told me to use the full strength version (which I was scared to take because of my AD meds) but it was fine, really helped but did make me a little tired.

If you are worried go see the doctor. I feel for you as I know how uncomfortable, hot, swollen and itchy they can be.

I hope you feel better soon, Kitti :)

I want to take an antihistamine but I'm scared because one side effect is a racing heart, plus it can apparently make asthma symptoms worse, and I have asthma. I don't wanna take it just incase something bad happens :(

I've got an icepack on it at the moment which is really helping with the itching. Hopefully it will bring some of the swelling down too.