View Full Version : was really tired one night checked my pulse it was 40 is something wrong with me

12-09-13, 20:28
Hello everyone I was sitting at home the other night and I was really tired form the night before and I was getting ready for bed and I check my pulse and it was down around 40 I am 22 years old and I have some anxiety troubles but iv pretty well got them under control but it just is very worrying to me is this normal!?

12-09-13, 21:40
This is called bradycardia - it is generally not dangerous and is most probably a reflection of you being tired. I've had my heart beat go below 50 before from being very tired.

Have you spoke to your doctor about this?

13-09-13, 01:36
Maybe you miss counted? I check mine with a finger pulse reader thing.
The lowest I've been is 50 first thing in the morning. 40 seems rather low so I'd have a chat with your doctor :)
Did you see if you could get your heart rate back to normal by moving about?

19-10-13, 15:21
No I haven't said anything to my Dr it been almost a month since this has happened and I haven't seen it drop below 50 at night so I'm thinking that it was just a result of me being really tired I hope thank you for you feed back