View Full Version : Husband has scared the life out of me!

12-09-13, 20:28
So tonight I'm having a chat with my husband in the bathroom and he turns to me and says, god whats wrong with your pupils, they are tiny you look like you're on drugs!

He then goes on to say he noticed it earlier when I was talking to him but actually having a closer look they look ok now.

Honestly I could have slapped him, what a thing to say to someone with severe HA, so now I'm racking my brains to think what is wrong with me.

I have been taking sudafed today which I never take but I went to the doctors earlier about vertigo and my ears popping and he told me to take it as he said I have fluid in my middle ear.

Could the sudafed cause my pupils to be smaller.

I have to say that to me they look ok, they are reacting to the light as normal and they do look maybe a bit smaller in bright light but they are getting larger when it's dark.

does this sound concerning?

12-09-13, 21:17
Hi that is exactly the way your pupils are meant to act. Bigger when its dark to let more light in and smaller when its light to let less light in. I have worried about my pupils so many times in the past but I'm a lot better with them now xx

12-09-13, 21:27
It doesn't sound concerning at all. If anything drugs would make your pupils bigger not smaller. Small pupils is just the normal process of your eyes reacting to light. I have random uneven pupil size and docs don't even seem concerned by that as long as they react to light.

Im sure its nothing to worry about :)

13-09-13, 01:50
Heh my pupils get huge and people say the same to me!

Don't be mad. He didnt intend to set off your health anxiety. I mean a million things could set off your anxiety (and mine) but adverage people don't tend to think like us.

I get the same way, I get rather snappy when I'm anxious n always feel bad once I've time to think :(

Aw don't worry your pupils get small in bright lights :)

13-09-13, 07:08

thanks for the replies everyone.

Feel a bit calmer this morning, I honestly can't see any difference in my pupils so I'm just going to forget about it.

As all of us know with HA we do tend to check all our body parts quite frequentlly so I'm sure if there was anything amiss with my pupils it wouldn't take me long to notice it!

thanks for the replies though, just got myself into a bit of a panic!:D