View Full Version : Just so tired of it all !

12-09-13, 23:06
Hi all, I have had ha for the past 18 mths, had 31 different sets so far, still more to go. I have been prodded, and poked literally everywhere and now I am just so tired of it all. How can I get some energy back ? Please help. I just don't go out at all now only to hospital apps etc.
my symptoms r so vast from blurred vision, balance problems, joint pain, pain in right calf, back pain, sickness, nausea, palpitations, chest pain on and off, right ankle just gives way, I've got gastritis, periodontitis and oesophoitis and many more but I won't bore you!
Is there anyone local to me the any similar issues ? Xx

13-09-13, 18:18
I have a general feeling of crap.
Feeling tired and spaced a little. Other symptoms like you!
I then have the doubts from GPs that circulate my mind. The constant body checking etc.
drained now

13-09-13, 20:14
I am assuming that after all these tests you have not been diagnosed with any significant illness? Anxiety and depression produces lethargy in most people and the less you do, the less you feel like doing. If I am in all day on my own I make a point of going out, even just to the shops. I have read several times that it doesn't matter what you do - but do something, do anything. Wash up, make the bed, anything. Otherwise you get in a cycle of doing nothing and going nowhere.

If you haven't read Claire Weekes book, "Self Help for Your Nerves", it is really good on the symptoms of anxiety and how to overcome anxiousness and depression.

13-09-13, 20:54
Thank you.
Yeah so far nothing sinister found but I feel like there is something but I'm not being sent for tests if u get me. I'm
Good at keeping busy but my mind still worries x