View Full Version : Sleeping the days away

12-09-13, 23:08
Hi .

Recently my anxiety and depression has gotten on top of me.
I am awaiting reaults to see whether or not I have osteoporosis.
I know if I do then its not the end of the world and I will get medication to help with my joint pains. But the last 4 weeks have been utter hell (mentally) .
Today I went to sleep at 8am , woke up at 12pm . Went back to sleep around 1:30pm then finally got out of bed at 4:30pm
After food and talking to my parents I then went back to sleep at 7pm and awoke at 10pm .
Ive never done this and Im wondering if there is anything that can help me ?
I waste the days away by being too scared to leave the house alone , I dont want to sleep them away aswell :(

I really feel lost and quite ill through it.

Ive recently started painting which helps sometimes but its getting to the point that I dont care about myself anymore
I dont wear make up , I havent showered in 4 days and just cannot be asked , I dont style my hair anymore and I dont care if I just wear my pjs all day .
I need help to get out of this rut. Its actually scaring me :(

12-09-13, 23:39
I really know how you feel, and I'm so sorry you're going through this. There are days where I feel that I just can't be bothered doing anything, everything feels like such a chore. Have you spoken to your GP about getting some help for your anxiety and depression? Therapy and/or medication can be really beneficial, and it's good that you're wanting to help yourself! That's the most important thing.

Be good to yourself. You're going through a tough time and it will get better. :hugs:

12-09-13, 23:59
Hiya, I'm doing exactly the same thing, laying in bed all day etc I can then just bury my head xx

13-09-13, 01:40
I have been on Fluoxitine 60mg for about 5 months now , but all in all I have been on Fluoxitine for a year ... They keep upping my medication :/ It sucks but it does help from time to time :)

These past 4 weeks though, they have been tough.
My family and Fiancé try to help but I just don't know how to respond to them .... It feels like I want to be left alone, yet I want a hug ??

I am currently getting help via stress classes. Its a 6 week programme :)
They're really interesting , I went before but I can never sit through the full 2 hour sessions, I need to leave as I have a panic attack :(

They really don't mind me leaving as they understand but I HATE it !!
In the class there are about 30 people each time, which is great as it helps me know Im not alone in all of this.... However they never speak to one another so I feel super awkward.
Next week we have someone coming to the class to help with benefits, such as DLA . I really do need to claim it as I am not fit to work and don't see it happening any time soon , but I need help with it. This is the vicious circle though .... I get panicky meeting new people .... But I have to meet someone new to help me with forms .....

I dunno , Im just panicking now and blabbing on .... Really sorry !!

14-09-13, 00:02
Don't be sorry! This place is great for venting.

It sounds like you're taking the right steps to help yourself. Maybe it would be worth considering switching to another med? Or maybe it's just a bad patch and you'll get through it soon. :hugs: