View Full Version : New to HA board

12-09-13, 23:51
Hello - I am happy to find this forum!! My HA started in my early 20's after being diagnosed with Grave's Disease (hyperthyroid, autoimmune). Ever since then I have been plagued with mysterious nero symptoms: dizziness, feeling like I walk on mushy ground, weakness in a hand or foot, twitching, and pains in random places that come and go. I went to the ER once because I thought I was having a stroke! I have been ruled out for MS and ALS (thank heavens). I just went to my doc today for this strange vibration in my upper back that felt like it was coming from my stomach or maybe lungs. I was sent away yet again with a diagnosis of ANXIETY. Manage my stress and negative thoughts and I should be fine, right?

I have had some legitimate health diagnoses, the thyroid disease, also a heart murmur and high blood pressure. I am in excellent health and I run and lift weights. I know I am healthy but there is always a feeling of dread surrounding my bodily sensations. I will read some of the posts on this forum to learn about how others are dealing with their HA. I will probably try to seek out some behavioral therapy as well - has anyone else had great success with that, or any other treatments? Or is this just my cross to bear until I actually DO have a disease that kills me?