View Full Version : Moaning again

12-09-13, 23:53
Past week I have gotten worse, losing weight diarrhea and nausea has come on along with leg sweating when I sleep
hard to explain but I actually feel ill. like I am gonna puke up. Domperidone does nothing. saw doc he said just anxiety but not buying it
have arranged to get a full blood count down and get results a week from today and I know they will be bad and am struggling to handle it. need to take my mind off it and enjoy the weekend but feel that sick its impossible

this is a miserable existence and I know itwill be worse when I get the results back. I want to at least enjoy myself go football but feel so sick I cant even when I have been to watch it I spend all game feeling sick and its dragging me down so I just go sleep and thats no way to live

any advice please