View Full Version : Get anxious over EVERYTHING

13-09-13, 02:03
I get so easily stressed out. Even if I just have to go out with a friend, go to the shops, get up for something, I get so anxious I feel my heart pounding and get chest pains. For the past few months I've more or less done nothing because of this - and to be honest I've only just realised how it's getting in the way of my life!

Is this normal? I don't really know what to do to make myself more laid back and care-free :(

13-09-13, 12:21
I would use the word common rather than normal, and it's very common indeed.

The trick (and this is the hard bit) is to find a way to relax and not worry about it. Anxiety over stuff comes first, which then turns into anxiety over anxiety. That second part is where it becomes difficult.

Meditation, deep breathing, forcing yourself to do those things you don't want to do every day, and recognising each one as a victory all help.

You WILL feel shitty on a day to day basis, but it's important to remain as calm and positive as possible as it does matter.